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Will the Real AOC Twitter Account Please Stand Up?

As difficult to believe as it may seem, she really is kinda dumb.

As I recently wrote, one thing authoritarians really can’t stand is being made fun of. Mockery is the great leveller. It cuts down kings, tyrants and dictators.

The Nazis pursued people for training their dogs to mock the Hitler salute. Jokes about Stalin were a direct ticket to the gulag. North Korea banned laughter.

And Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is having a meltdown over a parody account.

Squad member AOC has threatened to leave Twitter over a parody account.

Apparently she doesn’t want the competition.

She claimed the account was “releasing false policy statements”, after previously tweeting about her boyfriend’s farts and her ideas to tackle climate change […]

It also wrote that “Every time my boyfriend farts – I make him plant a tree to offset his carbon emissions,” and suggested “the real reason MAGA extremists are so infuriated with me… I’m young, gorgeous, successful and a millionaire.”

The problem is that her own fans were unable to distinguish between the parody and the real thing. I mean, can you spot if this is real or fake:

On Monday, the account also told its 170,900 followers to “take a moment on this Memorial Day to remember all the citizens that lost their lives trying to come through our southern border”.

What really got AOC’s panties in a bunch was when her arch-nemesis, the billionaire owner of the very platform she’s so addicted to (AOC tweets multiple times daily) noticed the parody account rather than her.

Her message came after Musk replied to a tweet from the parody account, which wrote: “This might be the wine talking but I’ve got a crush on @ElonMusk.”

The mogul replied with a fire emoji.

The parody account tweeted out similar sentiments about Musk in the past, including one on Tuesday saying “[Elon Musk] my boyfriend is at Target and my DMs are open. You know what to do.”

The parody account rose to AOC’s challenge in inimitable style.

Following AOC’s announcement on Tuesday, the account posted a series of tweets, including one saying: “After brainstorming with my staff – I’m going to push Congress to make it illegal to joke, laugh or make fun of me.

“Parody should be illegal,” it wrote.

“FYI… I have no problem with parody accounts,” the parody account added later, “just the ones that make fun of me”.

To be fair, though, the parody account faces some pretty stiff competition from the real thing.

“At a certain point, you gotta disconnect. Maybe try putting down your phone,” she suggested.

“You first, lol,” Musk replied at the time.

He has yet to comment publicly on AOC’s threat of leaving the platform, which she uses daily.

Daily Mail

Parody just can’t compete with reality in this Clown World we live in.
