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Winston Peters

Sir Bob Jones

Watch for the avalanche of editorials and columnists accusing Winston Peters of dog whistling over his weekend speech. But, indisputably he was 100% right on every assertion and he spoke for the silent majority.

I’ve raised the name-change issue before, this initially a decision by unknown public servants about 2010 during the Key administration, to bang Aotearoa on our passports.

If the name of the country is to be changed, as I’ve always argued it should be, New Zealand being a misnomer, then that’s a matter SOLELY for the public to decide in a referendum. And the options should not be New Zealand or Aotearoa but a single vote on changing the name to one out of a range of options, these to be subsequently presented in a vote.

So if the referendum found for a name change, a Commission should be established. NOT TO DECIDE FOR US, but to hear public submissions on a range of names to be put forward to a further referendum.

My pick, and I may be wrong, is we will not get to that stage as regrettably the silent majority will opt for the status quo.

Winston’s speech simply highlighted the utter inadequacy of the Nats who should be saying these things. It’s why I wrote them off decades back.

One final observation. The fast-failing utterly Woke saturated Stuff’s website has a heading “Aotearoa left off world maps”.

There’s a simple reason for that; specifically there’s no such country.

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