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With Friends Like These…

Rotten. Cartoon credit: BoomSlang. The BFD.

Only two days into the new parliament, the next election had already been decided. The antics in parliament by Labour’s coalition partners have seen to that. This country is made up mainly of people who are tolerant of most things but they will not stand for the antics of either the Maori Party or the Green Party that were on show last Wednesday and Thursday. They achieved nothing other than bringing parliament into complete and utter disrepute.

Having to put up with the idiot who is “so decolonised he wears a cowboy hat” (thank you Winston) is bad enough but turning parliament into a circus is another matter entirely. Again to quote Winston talking to the Maori Party, “You people think you speak for the majority of Maori. Oh no you don’t; no you don’t. You don’t speak for Maori and never will.” And then the knockout punch: “If you’ve come here looking for trouble you’ve come to the right place.” Classic Winston. And boy do we need it right now. I am writing a separate article on him.

Looking at the Maori Party, what took place at the opening ceremony of parliament should never be allowed to happen again. It was a straight out abuse of democratic rights. Kiwis, including Maori, went to two world wars to fight for the freedoms these blockheads are seeking to demean. The Maori Battalion was held in high regard around the world. The same cannot be said of the MPs in the Maori Party. Just a bunch of self-serving ignorant racist activists.

They have come to parliament not to advance the day-to-day wellbeing of their people, but to use it as a vehicle to promote their racist causes and their own ends. They are way out of step with mainstream New Zealand, including most of their own people. Their behaviour is showing them to be first-class hypocrites by accusing the right of politics that divide the country when that is exactly what they are doing themselves. They appear to have a wish to be permanently in opposition.

The Green Party MPs collectively could be described as an assortment of nut jobs. They appear to be a mix of a couple of token environmentalists shackled to a bunch of rabid Marxists. It has just flashed up on my screen that we are in for a cold snap between Christmas and New Year. I thought it had arrived the other day when the Green Party turned up in parliament wrapped in shawls. This proved not to be the case. These misguided halfwits were supporting the Palestinians and by association the terrorist organisation that rules them, Hamas.

Again, we have parliament being abused by politicians who see it as an institution to be used as a global platform to push their own beliefs. The political intricacies of the subject are too detailed to traverse here but, in short, by behaving the way they did, the Greens were to all intents and purposes supporting the extermination of Israel and the Jewish peoples. This is why the terrorists are not interested in dialogue: they have only one aim and only know brutality on a scale that is utterly revolting to any normal human being. These are the people the Green Party supports.

In respect to conduct in the chamber, the parliament website has this to say:

It is the Speaker’s duty to maintain order and decorum in the House. But Speakers often remind members they too share in that responsibility so that the House can function in an orderly way without damaging its reputation. Speakers must also take account of the opinions among members in deciding the standards they seek to impose. This state of opinion may be gauged by informal consultation, discussion at the Business Committee, and occasionally more systematic canvassing of  members’ opinions.

It is my view that order and decorum went out the window last week. The House was brought into infamy by the childish and completely unacceptable behaviour of the left. These people have no appreciation of democracy, don’t care about it and have no intention of adhering to it. The Green Party and the Maori Party are not in parliament for the good of the country. To them it is solely a vehicle by which they can push their own barrows –barrows full of venom and hatred. These people don’t represent the majority of Kiwis and never will. Labour are not immune either.

I am calling on Speaker Gerry Brownlee in the first instance, and those parties on the right in parliament, to sort this degrading and shameful behaviour out. We cannot have a continuation of the unedifying spectacles we witnessed at the opening of parliament. It is not a place where fancy dress parties and war dances are held. If the Maori Party and the Green Party don’t want to give parliament the respect it deserves they should get out. Parliament would be a much better place if they did. These people are a blight on our democracy. They serve no useful purpose.

Back to my first point and addressing the Labour Party. Your levels of intelligence, as shown when in government, appear to still be deficient. You seem unable to grasp the fact that your so-called friends, in terms of winning elections, are in reality your enemies. The majority of the voting public will not countenance for one moment what we saw last week. That’s before we even start discussing policies. Wake up to your fate. By failing to rein in your comrades you have now lost the next election. Three years to lose the last election, but it took only two days to lose the next one.

A final piece of advice to those on the left. You might like to consider taking a chamber pot to your opposition seats in the chamber, as you have now ensured you’ll be there for a lot longer than your bladders will hold out.

PS. All of the above seems to have escaped the journalistic expertise of one Tova O’Brien.  On planet Tova, Luxon has been whipped, presumably like a bottle of cream, by his junior partners. However, she must have liked the taste because it sweetened her rhetoric a little. In a spoonful of truth she concedes things are turning for the better for Christopher.
