Lindsay Perigo
Ever since 1865, racist Democrats have, while concealing their identity under hoods, perpetrated lynchings and burnings in the violent pursuit of their loathsome objectives. They are the Ku Klux Klan. They are White Supremacists. In 2020, they have a twin. Racist Democrats, concealing their identity under hoods—and behind masks and goggles and the anonymity of their computers—perpetrate lynchings on social media as well as literal killings, beatings, burnings, looting and rioting in the streets.
They have been surpassing themselves recently in Portland, Chicago, Seattle and Kenosha. These are Black Supremacists (even though most of them are spoiled white moronnials). They call themselves Black Lives Matter when what they mean is Only Black Lives Matter And All Other Lives Should Be Eliminated. They call themselves ANTIFA when what they mean is PROFA: they resemble Mussolini’s Blackshirts not just in appearance but in their atrocities. They call themselves “Woke.” I call them Woke-Fascists. They are totalitarians, and insofar as they renounce the distinctively human faculty of reason in favour of their own brute pseudo-emotions, they are sub-human. To call them “animals” would be unfair to animals.
Career politician Joe Biden, who’s never had a useful day in his life, spent most of that life supporting the original KKK. He opposed desegregation, worshipped Klansman Robert Byrd (as did the Clintons), and was instrumental in passing Clinton’s punitive 1994 mandatory sentencing legislation that incarcerated mainly blacks for ludicrously long periods for drug offences. (An example is Alice Johnson, sentenced to life imprisonment in the 90s but whose sentence was commuted by President Trump in 2018.)
Joe Biden is a White Supremacist who, his former mind having been hijacked by Woke-Fascists such as Occasional Cortex (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) and Illegal Ilhan (Ilhan Omar), has morphed into a Black Supremacist, even though his old White Supremacism still occasionally breaks through—he recently told a black interviewer,( not a supremacist), who was considering voting for Trump, “If you don’t support me over Trump you ain’t black.”
Biden is a Woke-Fascist with Alzheimer’s. Kamala Harris is a Woke-Fascist with her faculties intact and a pathological impulse to viciousness. Were Biden to become President, the Presidency would in fact be bestowed upon Harris—and Pelosi, Schumer, Cortex, Illegal and all the rest of that repugnant, reptilian line-up. The ensuing tsunami of Woke-Fascism, as if it were not already calamitous enough, would mean quite literally the end of civilised life as we know it.
Some humans are fighting back against the KKK. Here’s an assortment from this week’s Republican National Convention, along with British actor Laurence Fox calling for the de-funding of the BBC in light of its proposal, since modified, to delete Rule Britannia and Land of Hope and Glory from this year’s Summer Proms.
First, young Nick Sandmann, the “Covington Kid” character-assassinated by the Woke-Fascist propaganda arm of the Democrats, the mainstream media, cancelled for wearing a MAGA hat and smilingly staring down a savage:
Next, Daniel Cameron, Kentucky’s black Attorney-General, who understands, unlike the Black Supremacists and other Woke-Fascists, that one should indeed be judged on the content of one’s character rather than the colour of one’s skin:
Then, Maximo Alvarez, whose family fled Democrat pin-up Fidel Castro and who knows first-hand the evil of dictatorship and the inestimable value of the freedom that Biden/Harris and the Woke-Fascists would destroy forever:
And finally, Laurence Fox, martyred for his anti-KKK stance, his career cancelled because he said he was fed up with everything being made to be about race, gender and sexual orientation:
I shall keep these anti-KKK posts coming, since Woke-Fascism is a much worse virus than the Chinese Communist Party Virus and is actively being spread in New Zealand by “Comrade” Ardern with no resistance at all from the useless so-called “Crusher” Collins who has clearly allowed the testicles for which I praised her to be crushed by some revolting PR consultancy firm, itself no doubt steeped in Woke-Fascism.
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