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woke liberal leftie screaming yelling at the sky

It has ruined comics, turned Gillette into a mangina brand, almost infected gaming (but got its ass soundly kicked), and made Dr Who a woman. Yes, I’m talking about the cancer known as ‘Wokeness’. And of course, as this item from TVNZ shows, Miss Universe New Zealand has been fully infected.

The crowds that marked Ihumatao a month ago may be thinning, but the contentious Auckland land occupation is still drawing a diverse range of visitors.

Today beauty queens made the pilgrimage to the protest site at Mangere.

Note the use of the word “pilgrimage” to give what is basically a field trip more meaning than what it deserves.

The visitors are contestants in this year’s Miss Universe New Zealand contest.

“The winner will head overseas to represent New Zealand internationally. And we had a group korero and we decided basically we needed to know more what this was all about,” said Nigel Godfrey, Miss Universe executive director.

Nigel is obviously a woke twot given that he likes to use words like “korero” when he could have just used “chat”. I bet he’s also pale and vegan.

Politics is not usually central to the competition, but that’s something the group that visited Ihumatao is trying to change.

“We are all New Zealanders. This is all our land, so I think it was really important for us to see why and where and how,” said Hannah McCabe, one of the contestants.

She’s from Blenheim and works as a policewoman, newly minted last year.

God give me strength. Imagine Arnie in the day rocking up to a Native American reserve as part of being a Mr Universe contestant.

[…]Feminist leaders of the protest hosted the contestants today.

Once upon a time, feminist groups would have been calling the contestants pieces of meat.

Pania Newton of Save Our Unique Landscapes was asked by 1 NEWS if there was an element of “this is a zoo” and visitors are coming to have a look.

“I feel like everyone is quite genuine in their visit. First and foremost they come here to learn about the issue,” Ms Newton replied.

“And most of the time they leave here having the same sorts of feelings that we have in terms of the significance of the land and the knowledge about why we need to protect and preserve it.”

Of course, Miss Universe New Zealand has been ‘Woke’ for a while now. Last year (or was it the year before?) they had a contestant in full hijab make it to the finals.

And the biggest losers in all of this? In my younger years, it was the women of the house that were most interested in watching Miss Universe. So ladies, unless you enjoy watching bimbos prattle on about the significance of land to Maori from a feminist perspective you’re now shit out of luck
