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Woke Workshops and Kiwi Commissars

Commissar (noun): An official in any communist government whose duties include political indoctrination and the detection of political deviation.

Photo by Lian Begett / Unsplash

In spite of appearances, New Zealand is far from being a communist state. That our country is a robust capitalist democracy is recognised by all reasonable observers. That very fact, however, is what makes the latest revelations from the New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union so extraordinary. Our public service would appear to be paying large sums of taxpayers’ money to individuals and groups that, in the long dead Soviet Union and the very much alive People’s Republic of China, would be recognised instantly as commissars. 

It is tempting to construe the above claim as jocular hyperbole. But, that temptation should be resisted. There has never been anything remotely funny about commissars. Few designations in the history of communist administration have as much blood on their hands as the men and women whose negative political assessments condemned so many of their fellow citizens to summary execution. That any practice even remotely comparable to the conduct of communist commissars might be occurring in New Zealand is cause for serious concern. If proven, then the practice must be halted and those responsible for its introduction held to account. 

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