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word of the day

The word for today is…

caustic (adj) – 1. Capable of burning, corroding, dissolving, or eating away by chemical action.
2. Sarcastic or cutting; biting.
3. Given to making caustic remarks:

Source : The Free Dictionary

Etymology : If you have a burning desire to know the origins of caustic, you’re already well on the way to figuring it out. Caustic was borrowed into English in the 14th century from the Latin causticus, which itself derives from the Greek kaustikos. Kaustikos, in turn, comes from the Greek verb kaiein, meaning “to burn.” Other kaiein descendants in English include cautery and cauterize, causalgia (a burning pain caused by nerve damage), and encaustic (a kind of paint that is heated after it’s applied).


Face of the Day

Face of the Day

Legend Eddie Low has died. He was educated at the Foundation for the Blind in Auckland. He started his first band when he was 13 and called it the Three Blind Mice.

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