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parabolic (adj) – 1. Of or similar to a parable.Of or having the form of a parabola or paraboloidOf or having the form of a parabola or paraboloid.

2. Of or having the form of a parabola or paraboloid.

Source : The Free Dictionary

Etymology : The two distinct meanings of parabolic trace back to the development of Late Latin and New Latin. Late Latin is the Latin language used by writers in the third to sixth centuries. In that language, the word for “parable” was parabola?hence, the “parable” sense of parabolic. New Latin refers to the Latin used since the end of the medieval period, especially in regard to scientific description and classification. In New Latin, parabola names the same geometrical curve as it does in English. Both meanings of parabola were drawn from the Greek word for “comparison”: parabol?.
