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The word for today is…

gullible (adj) – Easily deceived or duped.

Source : The Free Dictionary

Etymology : Don’t fall for anyone who tries to convince you that gullible isn’t entered in the dictionary. It’s right there, along with the run-on entries gullibility and gullibly. All three words descend from the verb gull, meaning “to deceive or take advantage of.” The verb was borrowed into English from Anglo-French in the mid-16th century. Another relative is the noun gull, referring to a person who is easy to cheat—a word which is unrelated to the familiar word for a seabird, which is of Celtic origin.


Face of the Day

Face of the Day

A jury at the Auckland High Court has found Dr Philip Polkinghorne not guilty of killing his wife, Pauline Hanna, in their Remuera home in April 2021. 

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