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Would It Be Ok for the Government to Sterilize People?

Soviet soldiers inspect a box containing poison used in medical experiments. Auschwitz, Poland, after January 27, 1945.

Ezra Levant

Is it OK for the government to sterilize people?

Before the Holocaust against the Jews even began, the Nazis were engaged in eugenics — as in, weeding out people who were considered medically or genetically inferior.

The mentally disabled. The sick, deaf, and blind. Homosexuals. Anyone the Nazis considered “weak” was targeted by Adolf Hitler’s barbaric campaign to purify the race.

Hundreds of thousands were sterilized, preventing them from having children and passing on their genes.

And in fact, hundreds of thousands were killed, too — a preview of the Holocaust, based on the theory that they were inferior. Hitler called it a mercy death.

Soviet soldiers inspect a box containing poison used in medical experiments. Auschwitz, Poland, after January 27, 1945.

Do you know who carried out Hitler’s orders? Doctors. Not soldiers. Doctors.

On last night’s episode of The Ezra Levant Show, I looked at Dr. Josef Mengele, Dr. Karl Brandt and the Nuremberg verdict in the trial of Nazi doctors.

That trial led to the creation of the Nuremberg Code, which became the foundation of modern medical ethics which has seemingly been forgotten when it comes to the COVID vaccines.

Here, take a look:

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Where are our doctors today to uphold these values? Well, they’re being silenced.

Eugenics are back. Segregation is back. Forcing people to take medical procedures on pain of losing their work and career and position is back.

Have we returned to pre-Nuremberg values?
