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The Chinese Virus. The BFD.

The party line from Beijing and their lapdogs in the WHO and the legacy media is that anyone who even suggests that the Wuhan pandemic may have originated in a Chinese lab is a demented conspiracy theorist.

But just because it’s a conspiracy theory doesn’t mean it’s not true.

And growing evidence is pointing, almost incontrovertibly, at the Wuhan Institute of Virology as Ground Zero for the Xi Plague. Even that it may indeed have been engineered.

The Wuhan Institute of Virology was given permission to engage in experimental research involving highly-pathogenic viruses just 10 days before the first recorded case of COVID-19.

A Sky News special investigation can reveal the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s level 3 laboratory, where Shi Zhengli is director, had just been given permission by the Chinese Government to conduct even risker experiments on November 7, 2019.

This just adds to the growing mountain of evidence.

We already knew for a fact that virologists at the lab in Wuhan were researching coronaviruses in bats – both there and overseas. Two months ago, the BFD reported on evidence that a researcher at the Wuhan lab had vanished and been completely scrubbed from China’s internet.

The order meant the laboratory could start to engage in more experimental activities with “highly pathogenic microorganisms” such as the “Ebola virus, Niba virus, Marburg virus, Lassa fever virus… the Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Bacillus anthracis and the tick-borne encephalitis virus.”

China is still pushing the propaganda claim that the virus was engineered and released in China by the foreign devils in America.

But disturbing evidence is emerging to suggest that it was engineered, all right – but not in the US.

A growing number of scientists are raising the possibility COVID-19 was created in a laboratory, saying the option cannot be ruled out.

Leading immunologists and geneticists say that there are two unusual things about COVID-19 that open the door to it being man-made rather than a naturally-occurring virus.

The first is that the virus binds to human ACE2 receptor cells more strongly than it does to any other animal, including bats.

The second unusual thing about the virus that causes COVID-19 is that it has what’s called a “furin cleavage site” that its closest genetic bat-coronavirus relative, RaTG-13, does not have.

This site makes it significantly more infectious.

Israeli geneticist, Dr Ronen Shemesh, who is working on treatment for COVID-19, said in his opinion the virus was more likely created in a laboratory than evolved in nature[…]

La Trobe University Chemistry and Physics Professor David Winkler says there are several possibilities for the source of COVID-19 and you cannot rule out the laboratory as one option[…]

Flinders University Professor Nikolai Petrovsky says COVID-19 is “exquisitely adapted to infect humans”.

Of course, that doesn’t say who engineered it. The Chinese will certainly blame the Americans. But that claim doesn’t match the known timeline of events.

Central to the Chinese claim is the fact that American athletes participated in an international event in Wuhan before the outbreak. But that was over a month before the first known cases in Wuhan. COVID-19 has a mean incubation period of just 5 days. The maximum known incubation is about 14 days.

Beijing is lying. Again.

“We really don’t know where this virus came from – that’s the truth. The two possibilities is that it was a chance transmission of a virus…the other possibility is that it was an accidental release of the virus from a laboratory,” [Professor Petrovsky] said.

The idea that it was engineered and released by America just doesn’t fit the facts. But is it likely that China deliberately unleashed it?

Bioweapons are a notoriously two-edged sword. Once released, there’s little chance of controlling how and where they spread.

It’s far more likely that it was accidentally released from Chinese labs with notoriously lax safety standards.

Still, if China had deliberately released it as a bioweapon against the West – how would things have turned out any different?

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