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Yeah, a Side Effect So Rare They Need a Study into It – Part Two

Ben Jonutz at Southern Heart Cardiology in Dunedin in January 2022. Credit: 1 News

Yesterday in my post about the incredibly rare side-effect of the mRNA vaccine that is now not so rare that the Ministry of Health has had to have a study into it, there were some interesting comments. One in particular from a ‘John’ said:

If you are vaccinated you have a lower chance of getting the virus, and if you get it, you are less likely to have a bad case.

And yes soon more people who have been vaccinated will be in hospital than unvaccinated, but there are significantly more vaccinated than unvaccinated people so we need to measure percentages rather than absolute numbers to get an accurate representation.

I have no doubt that the vaccine can cause heart problems, but the problems are less than the heart problems caused by Covid. Every treatment has risks. But the benefits outweigh the risks.

Comment from John

Now, let’s break that down by paragraph. Firstly it simply is not possible to make the claim that if you are vaccinated you have a lower chance of getting the virus. The facts say otherwise:

The facts say that if you are vaccinated, either partially, fully or boosted, then you actually have a greater chance of getting the virus than an unvaccinated person. Moreover, the rate of vaccinated getting the virus is more than double those who are unvaccinated.

The claim that you have less chance of getting the virus is only a slogan, with no basis in fact. I like to deal in facts, not regime slogans that are actually mis-information or worse dis-information. No matter how many times you’d like to make the claim, like ‘John’ did, that won’t make the claim come true.

The next claim, that if you do get it, you are less likely to have a bad case, is likewise unprovable. There is no way this can be proved unless we all have a clone and infect that clone simultaneously and measure the differences. It is a fallacy, and can never be proven. Again the hospitalisation and death statistics make a lie of this fallacy:

As you can see cases are massively lop-sided now, and sure people like ‘John’ will argue that there are more vaccinated people so it stands to reason more are infected. But that too is a fallacy, because when the vaccines were pushed you were all told that you wouldn’t catch it, and if you did you wouldn’t get sick or die. ‘John’ repeated this in his first statement.

The hospitalisations figures are now hopelessly lopsided too, bearing in mind the unvaccinated stats were lop-sided to start with because obviously, most people were unvaccinated at the start of the recording period.

Those numbers for vaccinated and boosted will continue to get worse. I know this because that is precisely what has happened overseas. I’ve seen nothing to suggest that we will miraculously have a better outcome than other highly vaccinated countries. But what is true right now is that despite the slogans that the ‘Johns’ of this world mouth, the vaccinated and increasingly the boosted, are indeed catching the virus, and getting sick enough to warrant hospital-level care. Death statistics are also now passing the unvaccinated by, yesterday vaccinated deaths passed unvaccinated (erroneously including 25 pre-vaccine era deaths) and boosted just one death behind now. Tomorrow boosted will pass the unvaccinated:

The last paragraph of ‘John’s’ statement is that the risks of the vaccine are outweighed by the benefits. Of course, that statement was based on his fallacy that you won’t catch or get sick from the virus. Sadly for him and others like him who have believed the slogans of the politicians, this too is now being borne out as a fallacy, with rather tragic consequences.

Again there are these pesky things called facts which are proving rather inconvenient. A recent study has shown that if you’ve taken a two-dose regimen, you’ve more than doubled your five-year risk of Acute Coronary Syndrome – driving it up to the odds of 1 in 4.

According to the authors of the Circulation report:

“The score has been measured every 3-6 months in our patient population for 8 years. Recently, with the advent of the mRNA COVID 19 vaccines (vac) by Moderna and Pfizer, dramatic changes in the PULS score became apparent in most patients. This report summarizes those results.

A total of 566 [patients], aged 28 to 97, M:F ratio 1:1 seen in a preventive cardiology practice had a new PULS test drawn from 2 to 10 weeks following the 2nd COVID shot and was compared to the previous PULS score drawn 3 to 5 months previously pre- shot.

Baseline IL-16 increased from 35=/-20 above the norm to 82 =/- 75 above the norm post-vac; sFas increased from 22+/- 15 above the norm to 46=/-24 above the norm post-vac; HGF increased from 42+/-12 above the norm to 86+/-31 above the norm post-vac.

These changes resulted in an increase of the PULS score from 11% 5-year ACS risk to 25% 5-year ACS risk. At the time of this report, these changes persist for at least 2.5 months post second dose of vac.

We conclude that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination.”

As noted by Malhotra, this is indeed extraordinarily disturbing. Patients who received a two-dose regimen of mRNA more than doubled their five-year ACS risk, driving it from an average of 11% to 25%. Just imagine the shape our medical system and society at large will be in if 1 of every 4 people who got the two-dose regimen ends up with acute heart failure.

Epoch Times

The benefits outweigh the risks? The news gets worse though:

In related news, a paper published in the journal Blood Advances reviews “SARS-CoV-2 Spike-Dependent Platelet Activation in COVID-19 Vaccine-Induced Thrombocytopenia.”(6) Thrombocytopenia is the medical term for low platelet count.

The authors point out that following the rollout of the mRNA and DNA-based COVID shots, more than 150 cases of thrombocytopenia have been reported. The reference for that statistic is a March 9, 2021, paper in the American Journal of Hematology, and injuries are stacking up at breakneck speed.

As of November 12, 2021, there were 4,387 cases of thrombocytopenia reported to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), so it’s far more frequent than what they’re stating. (There are also 9,332 reports of heart attacks, which we just discussed, and 13,237 reports of myopericarditis, i.e., inflammation of the heart and/or heart sack.(9))

According to the authors, identifying the mechanism by which the shots cause thrombocytopenia would facilitate the development of a diagnostic test. Historically, heparin-induced thrombocytopenia has been diagnosed using a serotonin release assay (SRA).

Using SRA, a subset of critically ill COVID-19 patients have tested positive for platelet-activating immune complexes that can cause thrombosis. Other researchers have also showed IgG antibodies from critically ill COVID-19 patients can activate platelets, resulting in a thrombotic event.

Here, using a modified SRA, they discovered spike-dependent, platelet-activating immune complexes in a patient with vaccine-induced thrombocytopenia, suggesting the spike protein is the causative factor.

Epoch Times

Too complex, here is the same info in plain English:

The mRNA shot may be causing an exceptionally low level of platelets through a mechanism that involves antibodies against the spike protein (anti-spike antibodies) resulting in depletion of platelets by activating them.

Platelets are specialized cells that stop bleeding, and they have ACE2 receptors, which is what the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein binds to. When the spike protein binds to the ACE2 receptor on the platelets, it activates them.

This platelet activation can lead to disseminated intravascular coagulation, i.e., a pathological overstimulation of your coagulation system that can result in abnormal, and life threatening, blood clotting, as well as thrombocytopenia (low platelet count) and hemorrhaging.

Doctors for COVID Ethics described this mechanism in a February 28, 2021, letter(11) to the European Medicines Agency (EMA). In that letter, they warned that, based on this mechanism, spike protein-based COVID shots are likely to cause blood clots, cerebral vein thrombosis and
sudden death

, which is precisely what we’ve been seeing ever since.

In essence, you basically end up with so many blood clots throughout your vascular system that your coagulation system is exhausted, hence the low platelet count. The low platelet count, in turn, is what allows for hemorrhaging (abnormal bleeding).

Epoch Times

The benefits outweigh the risks? Nope, not even close anymore, the risks now clearly outweigh the benefits:

Since well before the rollout of these COVID shots, scientists and doctors have sounded the alarm, pointing out a host of potential mechanisms by which they may cause harm. Now, nearly a year into it, many of our fears are turning out to have been warranted. They’re causing very serious cardiovascular damage, blood disorders, and reproductive dysfunction.

Worst of all, our health authorities have abandoned the mandate to protect public health and are covering up the wreckage on behalf of the profit makers. On top of that, doctors and nurses who speak out about the collateral damage they’re seeing are being silenced and persecuted by medical boards and government officials alike.

Now, we’re injecting these kill shots into children as young as 5. I see no way for this to end on a pleasant note. As a society, as the deaths and injuries, especially in children, continue to escalate, we’re going to face some excruciatingly difficult times.

Epoch Times

As I said yesterday you can’t unvaccinate yourself, that’s impossible. You believed what the regime and experts said, that these vaccines were safe and effective. You thought you were ‘doing the right thing’. Sadly you were misled and there is stuff all you can do about that now.

What you can do, though, is educate yourself about how to mitigate these increased risks. You can do that by:

  1. Make certain you measure your blood vitamin D level and take enough vitamin D orally (typically about 8,000 units/day for most adults) to make sure your level is 60 to 80 ng/ml (150 to 2000 nmol/l).
  2. Eliminate all vegetable (seed) oils in your diet, which involves eliminating nearly all processed foods and most meals in restaurants unless you convince the chef to only cook with butter. Avoid any sauces or salad dressings in restaurants as they are loaded with seed oils. Also avoid chicken and pork as they are very high in linoleic acid, the omega-6 fat that is far too high in nearly everyone and contributes to oxidative stress that causes heart disease.
  3. Consider taking around 500 mg/day of NAC, as it helps prevent blood clots and is a precursor for your body to produce the important antioxidant glutathione.
  4. Consider fibrinolytic enzymes that digest the fibrin that leads to blood clots, strokes and pulmonary embolisms. The dose is typically two, twice a day, but must be taken on an empty stomach, either an hour before or two hours after a meal. Otherwise, the enzymes will digest your food and not the fibrin in the blood clot.

Not very palatable is it, especially number two? But there is literally nothing else you can do. You just have to remember who did this to you and focus the cold rage within to making sure that those politicians and experts who did this suffer at the polls.

Sadly, the evidence will mount and mount and mount that a great evil has been perpetrated on humanity, firstly by the people who funded and enabled the gain of function research that created this chimera virus and secondly by the politicians and experts who colluded to dupe you into taking an experimental medication by hoodwinking you into thinking it was ‘safe and effective. It was neither of course, but that is cold comfort now.

No matter how many times the slogans are uttered, that is all they are. The ‘Johns’ of this world will never admit that they’ve been tricked, because just like someone scammed by cat-fishing fraud they don’t want to admit they were too trusting or foolish enough to fall for it. But they’ve been scammed nonetheless and it wasn’t their money this time it was their health they were scammed out of.

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