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Yelp Flags Crisis Pregnancy Centres for Not Killing Babies

pregnant woman in seashore
Photo by Neal E. Johnson. The BFD.

Matt Philbin

For the abortion-worshipping left, every live baby is a missed opportunity. For every unterminated pregnancy there’s a woman who can no longer have a big powerful career, carefree autonomy and meaningless casual sex. It’s a  feminist nightmare.

So it helps to have tech companies like Yelp on their side. And make no mistake: Yelp has definitely chosen a side. It was an early entrant to the Moloch List, corporations who made a public show of offering to pick up abortion (and “gender affirming”) travel costs for employees who live in less bloodthirsty states.

Now, as reported by Axios, Yelp is putting warnings on listings for crisis pregnancy centres, lest babies slip through the abortion net.

Starting today, Yelp will add a consumer notice to both faith-based and non-faith-based crisis pregnancy centres noting that they “provide limited medical services and may not have licensed medical professionals onsite.”

Sure enough, if you look up such establishments on Yelp, the tag of shame is there.

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As Axios explains, “Crisis pregnancy centres do not offer abortion services but promote themselves to people seeking abortions and then typically counsel the patients to go through with their pregnancies.” This, to the delicately attuned moral sensibilities of abortion enthusiasts, is unconscionable.

“It has always felt unjust to me that there are clinics in the U.S. that provide misleading information or conduct deceptive tactics to steer pregnant people away from abortion care if that’s the path they choose to take,” Said Noorie Malik, ethical giant and Yelp’s VP of user operations.

Axios helpfully stressed that “Just noting that crisis pregnancy centres provide limited medical services doesn’t address all the criticisms around such facilities.”

No, because most of the criticisms are window dressing on the pro-abortion gang’s hatred of women in crisis choosing to bring their babies to term. You have to wonder if the libertine left deep down realizes that those women who don’t kill their babies for convenience stand as a silent rebuke to the rest.


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