New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science
Look at the crest below for Baradene College of the Sacred Heart, a girl’s school in Auckland. Note the name, study the crest, and come back to it after the account that follows.
Sometimes, it seems like New Zealanders are unwitting bit players in a horror movie. But some unfortunates are given stardom in roles they never asked for, and from which their poor families will never recover: the jabbed then suddenly dead.
Everywhere, people are dropping dead, getting turbo cancers, strokes and endless infections, Covid and otherwise. We are losing at least 10 extra young and old daily compared to pre the jab rollouts. This is just fact.
Many people believe, still, that nothing bad is happening, whilst others, increasingly, work harder to actively deny the accelerated thinning of the herd around them.
However, one place that will find it very hard to smile through gritted teeth and just carry on is Baradene College of the Sacred Heart, in Auckland’s top drawer suburb of Remuera.
In August 2022, 12 year-old Baradene pupil Celia Gatt collapsed in a running event, on the school grounds. Showing no heart beat or breathing, bystanders were giving Celia CPR as her distraught father arrived, until the paramedics took over and rushed her to ICU at Auckland hospital. She had sustained major brain damage through lack of oxygen and she died that night. She was double vaccinated. Her gymnastics club required her to be jabbed.
The school stated it was “saddened”, and providing wraparound care for the family and other pupils. Principal Sandy Pasley stated in the Herald report, with no hint of irony or insight, that she “didn’t know the circumstances of the girl’s death. She told the Herald today she wanted to guard the family’s privacy, but she described it as ‘appalling’ that people were speculating on social media about the cause of her death.”
Appalling? That the death of a fit and healthy child, given a known cardiotoxic foreign protein for a condition her demographic was never at great risk from, should stimulate questions and concerns amongst thinking and caring people? Why are not many more people wondering? The Ministry of Health has known all along that the jabs can kill. They had the proof probably before we did. Something bad has been done to our nation.
Perhaps Baradene College does not practice ‘enquiry’ and critical thinking. Maybe a curriculum full of gender ideology, climate panic, sexualisation and how to spot misinformation from non-trusted sources doesn’t leave time?
Anyway, all would agree on the terrible tragedy that Celia’s death was shocking, and to most, highly unusual.
Lightning strikes again …
Until January 11th, that is, when unthinkable news arrived. Another Baradene girl just died, this time in her sleep whilst away on the family summer holiday. Another vaccinated teen, slightly older at 13, in the peak of health and life expectancy, “taken too soon”, “from a sudden medical event”.
Again, in an email to parents of the new year 10s, the school says it is saddened. No mention of this now being a double tragedy. Have we ever heard of such a statistic elsewhere, outside a war zone? Why isn’t the Baradene school board outraged, like we are? Demanding answers? Perhaps it is, and there is some sanity there.
A health insider informs us that the initial autopsy was inconclusive but a heart problem is suspected. What a surprise. More tests are in progress, and perhaps the pathologist will refer to the Cardiac Inherited Diseases Group (CIDG) who will look and look until some wonky gene or other is found. Referrals to the CIDG must have increased dramatically in the past three years. We first wrote of them back in 2022.
Now, have a look at again at the Baradene School crest, in view of these two cases where the two young girls’ (yes, sacred) hearts simply stop. At casual glance the crosses could be swords in the two hearts, with a surrounding wreath. At least the girls can always be remembered this way. Unless they change it.
If the Covid injections were safe, the chances of this double death occurrence would be tiny. In whose experience have the current death rates ever been normal?
We may be utterly wrong here, and a proven clear-cut explanation emerges that exonerates the Pfizer products. And, unlike this new case, we have no insight into the findings into Celia’s death and do not know for sure why she died. But for an increasing number of other dead New Zealanders, young and old, nor does anyone else. We have written to coroners about the rise of “no known cause of death” in general, and specific cases in particular. No meaningful response, the new norm.
Sudden death in mRNA-vaccinated healthy young people – including professional athletes, the fittest you can get – occurs during cardiac exertion, or in the several hours before normal waking time. The reasons are simple and well understood – outside of the vaccines-cannot-be-questioned brigade. The scientific evidence is overwhelming and yet many doctors remain with eyes wide shut. In a nutshell, the rise in catecholamines (adrenaline) and/or fast heart rate at these times can act as a stimulus for a fatal heart rhythm usually out of blue, if there is prior inflammation in its electrical conduction system.
Baradene College of the Sacred Heart is not alone
This school may consider itself highly unlucky. Indeed it is, and should not be singled out for any particular blame for the Pfoisting of mandated experimental immune-distorting injections, and it is by no means the only school to have lost pupils and staff, and seen hastily installed automated external defibrillators (AEDs) and resus training. MoH, MoE , MBIE, MoJ, WorkSafe, Police and others must all be called to account to the parents and loved ones of the dryly termed ‘excess mortality’. These were real people, and we have informed authorities about dying jabbed kids since back in 2021.
Post-jab lightning has struck more than once in other schools too. The Whangarei High School system has lost three teenagers in suspicious circumstances, and a Ngatea school has suffered two devastating cancer cases in 16-year-old girls.
Yes, correlation does not necessarily equal causation, but New Zealand blunders on, still encouraging kids from five to be jabbed, especially Maori and Pasifika children, unaware of larger and seemingly more caring countries recognising the harms and ceasing jabs in people under 50, or even 65 in the UK’s case.
If this provocative and ‘dangerous’ post does nothing else, may it get more eyes on our long list of letters and warnings to all the relevant regulators, ministers and crown agency heads in Wellington.
We have posted again and again, with extensive references, on the rise of the ‘died suddenlies’ (and the death of the jab’s credibility) across all age groups, all since the rollouts started, and in all heavily vaccinated countries. There are as many ways to triangulate the fact of many more dead and damaged as you like. We are in no doubt of the cause, and nor are tens of thousands of doctors, scientists and, increasingly, politicians around the world. Do SOME sort of investigation, governments, and try to prove us wrong! Otherwise, the floor is ours…
Why don’t parents speak out?
Although most NZDSOS doctors are seasoned and experienced, a new and unique truth has emerged, unprecedented until this highly unusual situation that some have called a slow motion slaughter.
When parents started losing their young to this abominable bioweapon we thought “Well, at least now it will end soon. What parents could tolerate losing a child to an obviously defective, deceptive and cajoled medical experiment without crying out for justice, and as a warning to others?” The short answer? Almost all of them… but a compassionate and rational explanation exists, which we first posited in July 2021.
We did not understand that the pre-emptive scare-mongering, and the nudging for everyone to protect grandma, and each other, would be so powerful and persuasive that subsequently bereaved parents knew instinctively that if they even questioned what the hell had just happened to them in any way, let alone roared in furious anguish, that their community support, the wraparound care the Baradene principal referred to, would shrink away, as the herd closed ranks. What traumatised parent, hanging on to sanity by their fingernails, could cope with that further axe of abandonment to the psyche?
It seems to take around a year for the numb horror to abate and self-questioning to start. Obviously the first anniversary is a huge obstacle to get beyond. A few brave families did manage to speak out straight away though, eg those of Garrett Utting, Rory Nairn, Louis Amos, and Liam O’Sullivan.
So it is left to a few of us, agonised practitioners and other caring humans, to advocate for all the parents, relatives, friends and colleagues of those swept under the carpet and to help strengthen and embolden the other casualties in all this – the vaccine damaged. In contrast, these injured people KNOW what happened, but the system further depletes and diminishes many to the point of incapacity. However some are slowly recovering, and looking for justice.
NZDSOS and others are fighting for all of us
Far too many other people, who are currently well – although perhaps recurrently Covid infected or ill in some other way – are hiding from their fearful suspicions that maybe, just maybe, they have made hideous mistakes. Because plans are afoot at the WHO and WEF to do this all again, only better, please be brave and join urgently the visible groups trying to turn this around. You know who they are: the groups and individuals criticised, scorned, persecuted and prosecuted by mainstream media and the professional bodies such as ourselves, Voices For Freedom, NZ Rising, Outdoors and Freedom, VIPS and Health Forum. Please join them, get active and tell them what you expect. Upvoting other people’s comments is not activism!
As doctors we are calling for a discussion of the electrocuted elephant in the room. Of course we do not want any other parents to experience the loss of a child.
For those who do realise that they have made a mistake, there is hope and treatment available. There is proof that only a few of the batches caused immediate harm. We have discussed this extensively.
Defending ourselves together we can save our country, especially its youngest, to make a better world and stop the lightning altogether.