For almost all of human history, if you’d had to ask your fellow humans what a woman was, they’d assume you’d taken leave of your senses. The answer was too obvious to even bother with. Alas, in our modern, “progressive” age, a great many apparently intelligent, certainly educated, people are hopelessly unable to answer even such an obvious question.
We have to feel a bit sorry for these credentialled cretins, though. Because they’re not so much stupid as terrified. Answering such a simple question correctly is certain to invite, career and social suicide, and more than likely, demented mob violence. If not censure by the state.
Just ask Kellie-Jay Keen, who has been subjected to lynch-mob violence and police harassment, simply for correctly, publicly, stating that a woman is an adult human female.
In today’s Clown World, though, that’s as dangerous as telling a torturer from 1984 that two and two equals four.
Because the Big Lie of Clown World is two-fold: that sex and gender are different categories, and that sex is not binary, but a “spectrum”.
These are obvious lies, but they are the ruling lies of the Clown World of universal deceit.
Chase Strangio of the American Civil Liberties Union frequently claims that the binary concept of sex is a recent invention “exclusively for the purposes of excluding trans people from legal protections.” Scottish politician Maggie Chapman asserted in December that her rejection of the “binary and immutable” nature of sex was her motivation for pursuing “comprehensive gender recognition for nonbinary people in Scotland.” (“Nonbinary” people are those who “identify” as neither male nor female.)
One might be tempted to remind Strangio and Chapman of the inconvenient realities of testicular and prostate, or uterine and ovarian cancer.
When biologists claim that sex is binary, we mean something straightforward: There are only two sexes. This is true throughout the plant and animal kingdoms. An organism’s sex is defined by the type of gamete (sperm or ova) it has the function of producing. Males have the function of producing sperm, or small gametes; females, ova, or large ones. Because there is no third gamete type, there are only two sexes. Sex is binary.
The most common rebuttal to this basic fact is “Aha! What about intersex people?”. Well, what about them? Do one-legged babies disprove human bipedalism?
Intersex people, whose genitalia appear ambiguous or mixed, don’t undermine the sex binary. Many gender ideologues, however, falsely claim the existence of intersex conditions renders the categories “male” and “female” arbitrary and meaningless. In “Hermaphrodites and the Medical Invention of Sex” (1998), the historian of science Alice Dreger writes: “Hermaphroditism causes a great deal of confusion, more than one might at first appreciate, because—as we will see again and again—the discovery of a ‘hermaphroditic’ body raises doubts not just about the particular body in question, but about all bodies.”
Well, no they don’t. No more than ancephalic babies raise doubts about all brains (although many modern academics might).
In reality, the existence of borderline cases no more raises questions about everyone else’s sex than the existence of dawn and dusk casts doubt on day and night. For the vast majority of people, their sex is obvious. And our society isn’t experiencing a sudden dramatic surge in people born with ambiguous genitalia. We are experiencing a surge in people who are unambiguously one sex claiming to “identify” as the opposite sex or as something other than male or female.
In any case, “intersex” and “transgender” are entirely separate categories. Caster Semenya is quite likely intersex, yet she is also quite clear that she is a woman. Lia Thomas is undeniably male, but merely claims to be a woman. Arguing that an obvious chancer like Thomas is the same as her, is frankly an insult to Semenya.
Intersex people have rare developmental conditions that result in apparent sex ambiguity. Most transgender people aren’t sexually ambiguous at all but merely “identify” as something other than their biological sex […]
Acknowledging the existence of rare difficult cases doesn’t weaken the position or arguments against allowing males in female sports, prisons, restrooms and other female-only spaces. In fact, it’s a much stronger approach because it makes a crucial distinction that the ideologues are at pains to obscure.
Crafting policy to exclude males who identify as women, or “trans women,” from female sports, prisons and other female-only spaces isn’t complicated. Trans women are unambiguously male, so the chances that a doctor incorrectly recorded their sex at birth is zero.
Wall Street Journal
Their cocks were, and remain, the dead giveaway.
And leveraging the genuine difficulties of rare cases like Semenya to enable third-rate men to smash first-rate women from the top of the female sports game is frankly shameful. Lying about the biology of sex in order to further the creepy agendas of sleazy groomers is even worse.