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New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science

Oxford University’s Principle Trial Collaborative Group published their trial of Ivermectin in outpatient Covid-19 patients in the Journal of Infection on 29 February 2023. In a show of predictably compromised science, the conclusions made by the authors do not match the data provided in the body of their study. A short article by the World Council for Health and a longer piece by Dr Pierre Kory have both critiqued the publication, which we recap briefly here.

Principle Trial and the Disinformation Playbook

Ivermectin is useful for prevention and early treatment of Covid-19, yet the Principle Trial allowed for participant enrolment up to 14 days after the onset of symptoms, reducing the chances for effective intervention. Early treatment is shown highly useful for those at risk of severe disease, being the elderly or those with comorbidities, yet the Principle Trial accepted all adults from the age of 18, regardless of risk factors. Combined with a much lower dose than recommended, shorter duration than indicated, and advising participants to take the treatment on an empty stomach which reduces serum concentrations of the active ingredient, this obscures any effectiveness of the treatment.

Despite these well-known tricks from the Disinformation Playbook of Big Pharma, which significantly reduced the apparent effectiveness of ivermectin, the study data showed that the ivermectin group recovered 2.06 days faster than the usual-care group, and had a 2.8 per cent improved mortality rate. Statistically significant lower rates of ‘long Covid’ symptoms were observed in the ivermectin group compared with the usual-care group. Nevertheless, the authors concluded that “Ivermectin for Covid-19 is unlikely to provide clinically meaningful improvement in recovery, hospital admissions, or longer-term outcomes. Further trials of ivermectin for SARS-Cov-2 infection in vaccinated community populations appear unwarranted.

In contrast, Dr Kory concluded that the Principle Trial is a “profoundly positive study that was instead analyzed and written up as a negative one”, due to the inconvenient outcomes to the pharmaceutical industry agenda. The World Council for Health agree with the trial authors, “that further trials of ivermectin alone are unwarranted, the weight of evidence summarised at being so overwhelming that the remaining issues concern dosage, adjuncts, and mechanism, rather than further empirical evidence of clinical effect.

The below table from Dr Kory’s article shows the differences in trial design between a drug promising significant profits (molnupiravir) with a drug offering no profit (ivermectin).

Image captured for criticism/review and reporting current events under Fair Dealing – The Copyright Act 1994

Watch: Epidemic of Fraud

It is not just ivermectin which has suffered at the hands of corrupt researchers.  Hydroxychloroquine, another cheap effective early treatment, was the subject of even greater deception.

For more detail into the epidemic of fraud that we are living through, Broken Truth filmmakers have produced a recent documentary with a focus on the strategies used to dismiss hydroxychloroquine as a preventive and early treatment intervention against Covid-19, which you can watch below.

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The only conclusion that can be drawn is that the pharmaceutical industry was intent on massive profits at the expense of human lives and that the regulators were in on the deal, as proclaimed by Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts here for instance. We cannot let this happen again.
