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You Couldn’t Trust Them During COVID. Why Trust Them Now?

After three years of Covid-19 propaganda, it’s really no surprise to find people still wandering around claiming Jacinda saved us from Covid. They are Ardern’s zombie zealots, coached to wilfully ignore the science and cling to Ardern’s Covid rhetoric still thrust upon us on a daily basis. Bad news lingers longer in the land down under.

One theory on the longevity of the “Jacinda saved us” lie is that repeated Covid infection (notably in the heavily vaccinated and boosted) causes cognitive dysfunction, with “deficits in attention, executive functioning, language, processing speed, and memory — symptoms collectively referred to as ‘brain fog’“.

God help us if zombie zealots turn out in force at the election.

Experienced health provider and analyst, the UK’s Dr John Campbell, meticulously reviews worldwide Covid-19 statistics and scientific papers on the subject and in a video this week reviewed a Swiss study showing vaccine-induced heart injury occurring at the astonishing rate of one in 35 recipients of the Moderna (mRNA) booster.

Campbell begins his talk by calling out New Zealand for continuing to misinform the public about vaccine efficacy.

The advertisers in New Zealand say we all need to do our part so vaccinate so you’re up to date and be an everyday hero [there are] pictures of these comic hero’s here and that’s sponsored by Pfizer BioNTech.

Now, the idea that there’s all these comic people here, I think it’s Marvel Comics, doesn’t really grab me so I can only assume it’s aimed at an audience, shall we say, younger than me. [Campbell grimaces]. Some of you might consider that is quite outrageous and utterly unethical.

Dr John Campbell

In context, Campbell’s “outrageous and utterly unethical” comment is about the government targeting a young age group more susceptible to influence and less aware of the truth, but it is equally unethical for Pfizer to advertise on a New Zealand Government website or for the New Zealand Government to claim the vaccine is safe and effective when it doesn’t stop the spread of Covid and carries a risk of serious injury.

Ardern has gone but the Hipkins Government continues her messaging to “trust the experts”.

In July the Therapeutic Products Bill was passed, capturing the use of natural healthcare products.

The Bill is intended to replace the Medicines Act 1981 (Medicines Act) and the Dietary Supplements Regulations 1985 (Dietary Supplements Regulations), and will regulate how therapeutic products are manufactured, tested, imported, promoted, supplied, and exported.
The Dietary Supplements Regulations are currently scheduled to expire in March 2026 and will need to form part of the future therapeutic products regulatory regime.

New Zealanders take health supplements and a US study found “57.6% of people over the age of 20 take a dietary supplement at least once a month, and older people are even more likely to take supplements on a regular or semi-regular basis”.

In May Dr Guy Hatchard warned the providers of natural health products becoming mired in red tape. It would have been sensible to review natural health products separately, at a later date, instead of lumping them in with prescription medicines and medical devices.

The Bill defines four categories of therapeutic products:

Letter from Dr Tracey McLellan MP, Chairperson. Health Committee to the Government (Page 3)

Who is going to monitor the use of natural health products going forward? The same New Zealand health experts who claimed the Pfizer vaccine was safe and effective and lied about Ivermectin?

The poor ivermectin studies, which showed an apparent ineffectiveness of ivermectin to treat COVID-19 received significant media airplay. But the studies that showed the positive results were not treated equally. In October 2022, we looked at all the published data on ivermectin and COVID-19 that we could find in PubMed. At that point, the totality of evidence leaned towards showing evidence for efficacy, with more studies showing efficacy or potential efficacy than those showing a lack of efficacy. The science is therefore being misrepresented in the mainstream media in favour of a skewed focus on the negative and gaslighting those studies showing efficacy.

Biznews January 2023

Public interest in natural health products is reflected by the fact that 9,042 of the 16,210 submissions received on the Therapeutic Products bill were against the inclusion of natural health products in the bill.

153 submissions (including 135 substantive submissions) clearly supported the Bill and the new regulatory regime for therapeutic products. 16,057 submissions expressed opposition to the Bill, including all 1,690 form submissions.

Select Committee Report to Government

The government’s own working group (Health Committee) admitted that they were unable to agree on whether the bill should be passed (opening statement in Select Committee report).

Passing the Therapeutic Products Bill in the face of strong public opposition sends a clear message: New Zealanders no longer have a voice in Parliament.

The composition of the Health Committee goes a long way to explain why they failed to reach agreement and is an example of why diversity doesn’t work in practice.

Dr Tracey McLellan (Chairperson from 15 February 2023)

Tangi Utikere (Chairperson and member until 8 February 2023)

Matt Doocey

Dr Elizabeth Kerekere

Dr Anae Neru Leavasa

Marja Lubeck (from 8 February 2023)

Debbie Ngarewa-Packer

Sarah Pallett Soraya Peke-Mason (from 3 May 2023)

Dr Shane Reti

Toni Severin Lemauga

Lydia Sosene (until 3 May 2023)

Dr Shane Reti, National Party health spokesman, introduced Supplementary Order Paper (SOP) 372 to the house on 18 July 2023 saying that US and NZ are the only countries that allow full direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription medicines. Reti’s amendment to the Therapeutic Products Bill ends direct-to-consumer advertising in New Zealand.

Directors of consumer driven advertising pressure on prescribers promotes inappropriate prescribing advertising, expensive substitution and rapid uptake of new medicines before full safety data is known.

Dr Shane Reti, Health Spokesman for the NZ National Party

While the amendment makes a valid point, it’s rich of Dr Reti to end direct to consumer advertising on the basis that new medicines don’t come with full safety data when he endorsed the partially tested, experimental Pfizer vaccine and failed to speak up on behalf of vaccine mandated New Zealanders or question government advice that the vaccine is safe for pregnant women and children with insufficient testing.

The opposition benches failed us during Covid. Don’t make the mistake of thinking they will change just because an election is around the corner. You couldn’t trust the zombie zealots during Covid. Why would you trust them now?
