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You Might Like to Say Sorry, for a Start

Now that the tyrant, Jacinda Ardern has seen the writing on the wall in the polls she has started to walk back her draconian and divisive mandate policies which have seen unvaccinated Kiwis treated worse than lepers.

There’s a moment in conversation when everything changes, Ben Visser says.

It’s been happening for months when he’s been chatting away to a friend or stranger and the topic of vaccinations comes up. No, he’s not vaxxed, he’ll say, and then it’s all over.

“It’s like you’re dirty or dangerous, and you can see people recoil. As a result you feel segregated and often almost like a leper.


I’ve ditched friends, some relatives, and I’ll never forget what they did in this madness. I’ve retained my more sensible friends, and I’ve found better friends. I’ve made lists of the businesses who banned me for daring to make a personal choice. I know what they did and I won’t be forgetting that their compliance effectively locked me out of society. I will never trade with those businesses again. They’ve lost my custom forever. I will not forget that they chose division over rational decision making.

Sure they were coerced, with fines and Worksafe action, but they still had a choice to make, and when they shunned me, they shunned my business forever.

What makes this all so much worse, is that the people they welcomed are the ones now infecting everyone else. It can’t have been us as we were banned.

“The mental damage caused by this will last for a while, and it’s a lot more severe than a lot of people realise.”

With the government expected to announce next week the winding down of restrictions, including mandates, the country is facing a long road back to social cohesion.

Some experts say the pathway lies in tough conversations, plenty of empathy and righting long-standing inequalities. Others say we may never get there, and that’s a price worth paying for the health benefits mandates have delivered.


Stick your conversations up your proverbial, unless that conversation begins with an abject apology. We may forgive you, but that is for our peace of mind, but we saw what you did and we will remember that you chose fear over freedom. As we were constantly told, actions have consequences. Yes they do; you played silly games, so you get to win silly prizes.

He doesn’t blame NZers for their fear and mistrust of the unvaccinated and does believe things are changing. People don’t care so much about others’ vaccination statuses and some are already dumping requirements for vaccine passes.

Visser says although Kiwis are a forgiving bunch, it’s going to be a long road back to reuniting the country.

“It’s ruined a lot of the magic of being a New Zealander and that’s my problem with it.”


We are a forgiving bunch, but we aren’t at all forgetful. I don’t blame people for what was done to us, but I do blame politicians. We saw you. We saw politicians failing to stand up for freedoms and rights. We saw politicians trying to out do each other on who could be the more efficient fascists in ripping away our rights. We saw the cowardice of politicians when faced with the people they burned. We won’t forget.

I can tell you this much for free. I will NOT be voting for any party currently in the parliament. Not Labour, not National, not ACT, not Greens and not the Maori Party.

None of them deserves my vote. Not a single one.

My ire at what they did and cheered on knows no bounds. My loathing of them knows no depths. I will not hold my nose and vote for any of them. They and their parties are dead to me.

There is an undeniable rift in New Zealand. It has become a very dark and unforgiving place. I’m only picking up what the majority put down for me. Unless any conversation starts with an unequivocal and abject apology, with no buts or excuses then my ears will be closed.

I always wondered why unionists became militant and strident. I now know why. People didn’t listen to them.

I have not compromised my principles in all of this madness and I will not be compromising them in the future. I will help coordinate and facilitate ANY party that stands for freedom. We must never again slide into totalitarianism. But for that to happen the existing parties need some of the pain they visited on us. It’s coming, get ready for it. There needs to be utu. There needs to be a reckoning.

The person most responsible for the evil that was visited on us, is of course the tyrant, Jacinda Ardern.

She is unspeakably evil and what she did to society should be held against her for the rest of her natural life. She should be shunned, other than to protest her. Everywhere she goes she needs to be met with derision. Give nothing to tyrants.

Give nothing to those who aided and abetted the tyranny. We need a “wicked perfect storm” to obliterate the parties currently squatting in the parliament.

We need the same “wicked perfect storm” to obliterate the corrupted media who unquestionably ran the regime’s lines along with the useful idiots like Shaun Hendy, Siouxsie Wiles and especially Michael Baker. I have nothing but contempt for them all.

As a Christian, I am taught to turn the other cheek, to forgive. I can forgive, but sometimes it is necessary to go all Old Testament on some of these people so that they can feel our wrath. If we don’t then they’ll feel like they could give it another go. Nothing stops a bully faster than a kick in the teeth. I feel that the media and politicians need to feel the darkness.

I’m not feeling particularly forgiving at the moment. Now it’s much too late to turn the other cheek.

We warned everyone where this would end and now it’s here. It was never about health and it’s still not about health. It was about control: the elites wanted to see how far you could all be pushed.

The protesters, those who stood strong, those who said no, are the true heroes of this country.

Not lying politicians, not corrupt media. It was the protesters who have brought an end to all this. I was privileged to spend a few days at the protest. I see you all, and those who supported you. Freedoms and rights should never be compromised, and you stood there and frightened the elites so much that they needed brute force to end it. When the mandates end it is because of you. I salute your heroism.

Forgiveness is a long, long way off. We will remember forever what was done to us. Be brave, tell those who persecuted you that you saw them, and you won’t forget what they did. Tell them loud and long every day from this day forth.

Give nothing to them, and take everything, as after all that’s what they did to us.

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