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From the recent protests in New Zealand (Image Credit:

Louise M Diack



Not content with having stuffed energy security, the misanthropic, globalist political class seems mysteriously unified and intent on meddling with food security too. New Zealand’s PM has bewildering plans to force sheep and cattle farmers to cut production.

New Zealand’s current Government is proposing a policy that will devastate a core industry with added costs making them uncompetitive and putting many out of business. The end result will be tens of billions ripped from an already struggling economy, a decimated rural sector and the surrounding communities that rely on it. Many farmers are already replanting non-fertile land in natives and diversifying their income streams with products like Manuka honey, for example. Our farmers are among the best in the world – innovative and skilled operators as often multi-generational stewards of their land. We stand to lose generations of knowledge!

Under this Government’s poorly thought-through proposals farmers will be financially incentivised to do ‘carbon’ capture and plant pine on arable land – making it forever useless to grow food again. Too few products and too many people needing those products causes inflationary pressures. We will see further hikes in food costs making meat and dairy produced in New Zealand beyond the reach of ordinary people. Unless you’re uber wealthy, that’s you!

Having money-printed their way through the pandemic, many nations are economically precarious with now eye-watering jumps in fuel and therefore food prices. What this Government is proposing could tip us into dangerous territory. Is there a potential for conditions we’ve not seen since 1920s Germany?

There are consequences to printing money – worthless currency, hyperinflation and deprivation (Image Credit:

In the most precarious geo-political time since the 1930s, our Government intends to sabotage our ability to feed ourselves, making us more dependent on imported food from other nations. If push comes to shove those other nations will put their own people first. We saw this during the COVID era when the open, inclusive and economically collaborative EU became anything but, for example.

It’s a policy proposal so dumb as to be incomprehensible and irresponsible! This is ideological madness at work. There’s a reason I call this climate fixation a cult.

Don’t let the talk of methane distract you. As Dr. Tom Quirk, the Oxford-trained nuclear physicist and climate realist, notes below:

Methane is a greenhouse gas associated with grazing animals and decaying plant material in swamps and marshes.  It has been claimed as a factor contributing to global warming because of an alleged warming effect that is assumed by the IPCC to be 21 times more potent as a greenhouse gas than CO2.  However, when calculated correctly[i] on the basis of atomic weight, the actual multiplier is only 7 and, moreover , the concentration of methane in the atmosphere is about 200 times less than that of CO2. Methane in the atmosphere is broken down to CO2 and water over a period averaging some 12 years.

The evil bogeyman prior to this was of course CO2, which was supposed to cause dangerous global warming according to (now discredited) computer modelling. Governments built far-reaching energy policies based on this modelling. A point of note is that the hypothesis (idea to be tested) of ‘man-made climate change’ (as distinct from natural climate variability) is as a result of ‘man-made dangerous global warming’. Dangerous global warming is the necessary mechanism for the said ‘man-made climate change’.

Analysis by Dr Roy Spencer (formerly of NASA) (Image Credit:

The pivot to a new bogeyman, methane, is a result of real-world observations showing up the erroneous computer models and, I suspect, too many people have now been reminded of high school biology.

Humans produce roughly 4% Carbon Dioxide (Co2) to Nature’s 96%! The majority comes from decaying leaf fall from deciduous trees, volcanoes etc. The primary role of CO2 is as an atmospheric plant fertiliser helping plants utilise water more efficiently. Growers of tomatoes and other crops pump it into their glasshouses to increase produce health/growth rates and reduce water needs. The demonisation of CO2 is a factor in why glasshouse produce is so expensive.

Image Credit:

If our world were ever so unlucky to see CO2 plummet below 150 ppm (parts per million, currently we’re just over 400 ppm) our planet would resemble Mars. No life would exist. With the added CO2 from humans NASA satellite imagery unsurprisingly shows a re-greening of the planet. This “represents an increase in leaves on plants and trees equivalent in area to two times the continental United States.”

NASA includes the obligatory ‘climate change’ charge with the underlying assumption ‘it’s man-made and bad’. Transparently, this is about leveraging more funding from the US Government on whom they are dependent. What a pity the re-greening of the planet couldn’t be shared without the yawn-worthy climate catastrophism polluting the positive news.

So, next time you hear someone bleating about the need to “take all CO2 out of our atmosphere because it’s pollution”, give them a biology lesson!

New Zealand accounts for .17 of one per cent of world emissions of atmospheric plant food. One volcano erupting somewhere in the world will neutralise any sacrifice New Zealanders will be forced to make. Just one of China’s new coal-fired power stations (discussed here) will neutralise any sacrifice New Zealanders will be forced to make.

I don’t care how many brainwashed, green-haired, nose-pierced, soup-chucking imbecilic activists want to save the planet in 100 years from fractions of a degree too small to measure let alone feel. They’re simply testimony to the effectiveness of systematic programming from childhood. Indoctrination is a tactic of despots to ensure their supply of future useful idiots. The death-toll from nutty antics, like gluing themselves to roads, is mounting!

There has always been a sandwich-board-wearing brigade. They used to stand on street corners with signs reading the-end-is-nigh. Rightly we used to largely ignore them as poor souls who weren’t ‘all-there’.

Expert in marsupials, Dr Tim Flannery’s dud 2007 prediction. In 2010 Australia ‘flipped’ (as predicted by real climate scientists) into a Negative PDO cycle bringing 30 years of predominantly La Nina weather patterns = increased likelihood of flooding as we continue to see in Australia in 2022. (Image Credit:

Eco-catastrophism went disturbingly mainstream a decade or so ago when politicians and others (old fashioned carpetbaggers and charlatans including in Universities) learned it was lucrative to scare the population into handing over their money in higher taxes. They were all clipping the ticket. They targeted the school kids with propaganda and the media got on board with rampant Climatism, because fear-mongering 24/7 sells. So here we are.

Europe is already experiencing massive protests due to cost of living and energy cost hikes. Not that you’ll see that reported in our corporate media – their function seems to be to keep you distracted and ignorant. There’s the real potential for civil unrest if cold and hunger become a factor. The only good that might come out of a European winter of discontent is that more people will wake up to the noxious ideology of the climate cult and what it really means for them. In short, deprivation, and hardship.

In historical times when the ruling class became this out of touch, the people resorted to tools like the guillotine to immediately solve the problem. I’m not advocating barbarity but I can understand the sentiment that drove them to such drastic actions. Fortunately, we do still have democratic processes to deal with ruling-class misanthropy. A correction is well and truly due.

If the NZ PM gets her way it will call for a major sacrifice by all New Zealanders. Not from Ms Ardern of course. I have no doubt that if she loses the next election she’ll flit off by CO2 emitting jet to the world forums where the Marxist luvvies congregate to talk about how us little people will eat insects, “own nothing and be happy.”

This Government is high on ideological-climate-crack. They’re more concerned with globalist gabfests and securing their next career move to the Socialist/Communist-riddled WEF or UN, than with the deprivation they’ll leave behind.

Will the wealthiest in the world and elites own nothing and be happy? Or just the little people? There’s a word for this. Serfdom. (Image Credit:

Not content with having stuffed energy security the misanthropic, globalist political class seems mysteriously unified and intent on meddling with food security too. Let that hit you. Do you think it was bad during COVID when people stripped supermarket shelves bare in panic?

How much will this huge sacrifice change the global temperature? Zero, nada, nothing!

Will it cause food shortages and starvation for our middle classes and poor? You bet. Will it push more people over the edge into desperation and create conditions for civil unrest? You bet. Think crime is bad now, wait until you see what endless money-printing, a tanked economy and food shortages can do!
