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Young People Are Too Stupid to Vote

human anatomy model
The BFD Photo by David Matos

Are young people too stupid to be allowed to vote? Science says yes!

Of course, that’s not what the scientists will actually


, but it’s a question begged by the findings of psychiatrists and neuroscientists. Naturally, it being verboten to say anything that might upset the ruling Cult of Youth, the adult eggheads instead wring their hands that the poor widdle babies can’t be held responsible for stealing cars, beating up old ladies or murdering each other.

It’s their brains, you see.

In light of research showing that our brains develop gradually over the course of several decades, and at different paces among individuals, should we start rethinking how we categorize children and adults?

As Takimag’s David Cole bluntly puts it, “teens are very, very stupid. They are tiny-brained, feebleminded followers who rarely think things through and have not yet grasped notions like ‘consequences’”. Harsh, but accurate. When our mums used to ask if we’d jump off a cliff if all our friends did, the honest answer was Yes.

It also goes a long way to explaining the screeching certainty of dull-witted children like Greta Thunberg and her hormonal army of marching moron schoolkids. These are stupid, undeveloped half-wits who are easily gulled. It’s science!

This isn’t just being a grumpy old bastard. The facts of childhood and adolescent brain development are well established.

One key part of that trajectory is the development of the prefrontal cortex, a significant part of the brain, in terms of social interactions, that affects how we regulate emotions, control impulsive behavior, assess risk and make long-term plans. Also important are the brain’s reward systems, which are especially excitable during adolescence. But these parts of the brain don’t stop growing at age 18. In fact, research shows that it can take more than 25 years for them to reach maturity.

The researchers duly note that these facts have many implications.

The factors behind cognitive development raise many philosophical questions. But the most important are arguably those related to how we punish criminals, especially young men, whose brains develop an average of two years later than women.


Well, it is indeed arguable that that is the most important. Because our criminal systems already take into account age when assessing culpability. If we’re going to go further along the path of not holding teens and 20s responsible for their demonstrated penchant for criminality (the offender rate peaks at 18 and tails off sharply after 25), doesn’t that mean we should also reassess their responsibility in other areas?

Voting, for instance. Even driving. Most especially long-reaching medical decisions such as cutting off their breasts and penises.

But don’t expect anyone to go there. Having a cohort of mentally retarded group-thinkers on call is just how leftist politicians and academics like it. It also goes a long to explain the leftist push to lower the voting age.

In fact, we should “follow the science” indeed and raise the voting age to 25.


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