One of the many hats I wear is Customer Service Manager. This article contains a few of the common questions I get asked and their answers. Feel free to ask any other questions you may have in the comment section as my goal is to help as many people as possible.

Where do I find the login on my phone now that I have a subscription?
On your phone scroll right to the very bottom of any article to find the login.
You need to scroll past the comments, past the blue and red Facebook, Twitter and YouTube links, to where it says ACCOUNT. You can log in there.
I have tried to subscribe to The BFD but was unsuccessful. I don’t know what I am doing wrong. Help!
I have written an article to take readers step by step through the process. You can read it here.
I have a subscription but when I view The BFD I can see ads and I can’t access my subscription level content. Help!
If you have a subscription and you can see ads then the most likely explanation is that you have forgotten to log in to The BFD.
You MUST log in every time you visit the site as that is what tells the system that you are authorised to view your subscription level content.
I have a subscription and I am logged in but I see ads and I cannot access my subscription level content. Help!
If you are logged in and can still see ads then your subscription has not automatically renewed or has expired.
This may have happened for one of the following reasons:
- because you hadn’t ticked for it to automatically renew when you set it up
- because your credit card has expired
- because you have removed your credit card details.
- because of insufficient funds
If you want to update your credit card details click here.
**To select Stripe as your payment platform select credit/debit card
To upgrade or change your subscription click here.
**If a payment has gone through and your subscription is still expired e-mail sb at and ask me to look into it. I will sort it out for you asap.
Question: What does BFD stand for?
Answer: Brash, Focussed and Dedicated.