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Your Daily Ten@10

10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You

This is edition 2024/144 of the Ten@10 newsletter.

Welcome to the Ten@10, where I collate and summarise ten news items you generally won't see in the mainstream media.

This is normally for members in the VIP tier (old Silver and above), but for the next few days I will be sending it to all paid members.

I hope you continue to enjoy this weekday newsletter and if you aren't currently on the VIP plan please consider upgrading.


1. She’ll be right…? Is New Zealand stuck in the churn of complacency?

Mike Grimshaw

  • 📜 Fairburn's 1944 essay critiques NZ as complacent and overly reliant on imported culture.
  • 🌏 He questions if NZ truly desires change, noting historical reluctance.
  • 🎭 Identifies cultural stagnation due to lack of local creativity, reliance on overseas influences.
  • 🖥️ Raises concerns about modern cultural deficit exacerbated by internet and social media.
  • 🤔 Challenges NZ to rethink its cultural identity and engagement with the world.
  • 🏛️ Advocates for economic democracy and responsible cultural development.
  • 💬 Criticizes NZ's societal issues: mediocrity, conservatism, and respect for stupidity.
  • 👥 Calls for reform in immigration policy to enrich cultural diversity and energy.
  • 🚶‍♂️ Critiques NZ manners and sentimentalism affecting public and political life.
  • 🌱 Urges development of a meaningful, non-boring cultural and social life in NZ.

This post is for subscribers only


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