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5 Reasons Why It’s Not about Science

Follow the Science. Cartoon credit SonovaMin. The BFD.

Many of the actions taken and decisions made by Jacinda Ardern’s government illustrate why they are the kids at the back of the classroom eating paste.

The Simpsons Eating GIF
Mmmmm Science!

Number One: China

New Zealand, like all other Western countries, had an excellent, detailed, scientific pandemic plan to follow that made logical sense and had been created with the lessons of past pandemics in mind. Jacinda Ardern, like Western leaders almost everywhere, decided to forget the science and to bin the pandemic plan in favour of aping a totalitarian communist country: China.

The CCP literally welded apartment doors closed in order to trap their citizens inside. They locked down a whole city and Jacinda Ardern and retarded Western leaders all over the world ripped up their perfectly sensible pandemic plans and said, “Let’s do what China is doing.”

paper quit GIF by My Kitchen Rules
Let’s do what China is doing.

Number Two: Supermarkets

Supermarkets are clearly not a particularly dangerous place to be during this pandemic. While that may not have been clear in the early days of the pandemic it is very clear now. We are simply not catching Covid at the supermarket and that is despite vaccinated and unvaccinated people mixing inside them. If that is the case then open-air events are not going to be more dangerous than a supermarket. That too has been proved clearly, as all the protest marches including the BLM one have not resulted in a super-spreader event. Thus the following rules and many more make zero sense unless the sole reason for them is to punish and coerce the unvaccinated. They certainly have nothing to do with science.

a) No cafés and restaurants for the unvaxxed. Sitting at a table apart from other people, especially outdoors, is no riskier than going to the supermarket.

b) Unvaxxed can only have takeaways. How does the addition of a chair and a table affect the virus? People buying takeaways are as close to vaccinated people buying takeaways as they would be if they were eating inside. People seated, eating without a mask on, are no different to someone standing up, eating a burger without a mask on.

c) Haircuts no and botox yes. Both require a person to work very close to your face. Botox from the front, haircut from the back, so how is a haircut riskier than botox? The answer is that it isn’t, and science has nothing to do with the rule. It’s all about coercing women, in particular, to submit by taking away one of life’s little pleasures.

Number Three: Masks

At the start of the pandemic we were told that they were useless but then all of a sudden they magically became shields against a deadly bug! The truth is that they are still as useless now as they were then and the science simply does not support the population continuing to wear them. Masks are a sign of compliance and a potent method of keeping the population scared. Looking around seeing everyone masked makes us feel that we are inside a dystopian novel. This is theatre, not science. For many people, their mask has become their comfort blanket and they are now too scared to throw it away.

Angry Safety GIF by Apple TV
For many people, their mask has become their comfort blanket and they are now too scared to throw it away

Number Four: Mandates

Mandates are psychological coercion that has nothing to do with science. If the PM had bothered to do any research she would have seen that, far from successfully pushing people to comply, mandates push fence-sitters into opposition and harden the resolve of those who were already against them.

While some people will submit rather than lose their job they will resent Ardern for forcing them to do something they really did not want to do. If they or a friend or family member has a serious side effect or dies after vaccination, these people will hate her. If we achieve a 90% vaccination rate Ardern will be thinking that it is because 90% agree with her and vaccination. She will be completely wrong.

Number Five: The Vaccine Pass

The Vaccine Pass along with the mandate has divided our society right down the middle, creating two classes of people. The pass and the mandates together have divided husband and wife, parents and their adult children, friends and workmates. It has set employers against employees and businesses against their customers.

It seeks to reward the vaxxed by giving them limited permissions to do something that they had full access to before Ardern took it all away. It seeks to stigmatise and scapegoat the unvaxxed as dissidents and unclean people who are the reason we cannot have nice things. All of which is a smokescreen for the government, who all along were the real reason why all the bad things were happening.

Covid didn’t take anyone’s job, stop anyone from getting a haircut or shut down anyone’s business. The government did all of it and for reasons that were not scientific.

Follow the Science. Cartoon credit SonovaMin. The BFD.
