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On Planet Jacinda Everything Is Great

Never had it so good. Cartoon credit SonovaMin The BFD.

Just a few days ago the Spectator Australia published a hit piece on Jacinda Ardern and her Government. It’s so scathing that if the Spectator were Putin and Jacinda were Ukraine, Ukraine would be a wasteland.

[…]However, like so many of the Left, her understanding of how the wheels of business, including vital small businesses, drive the viability of any economy appears non-existent.

Her limited experience of employment before Parliament, both as a former DJ and wrapping fish and chips, may well explain  not only her apparent indifference to the collapse of so many thousands of businesses as a result of her government’s policies during the pandemic – but also the hardships faced by employers, as well as employees.

Many of the former, trying to save their businesses and to keep supporting their employees, are close to ruin, threatened by yet another tax and income insurance scheme, an extra burden on employers already having to contribute in other ways to their employees.

It will also take away as ‘a job tax’ part of their income from workers struggling with rocketing food prices; inflation growing at twice the rate of wage increases; petrol prices above $3 a litre; and rising rents. So many have also lost hope of eventually being able to own their own homes.

Moreover, as former National party finance minister Steven Joyce points out, our hard-left government is apparently intent on destroying productivity. He asks what planet we would need to be on to saddle small businesses with a six-month, minimum wage increase – plus the spectre of centralised wage negotiations. The answer is Planet Jacinda.
Never had it so good. Cartoon credit SonovaMin The BFD.

A study done on bees found that those that had been given cocaine had a much higher estimation of their abilities than in reality. Given Grant Robertson’s insistence that the economy is doing well when anyone can see it’s tanking, it makes me wonder if Grant’s been doing a bit of coke on the side.

You don’t even have to be an economist to see that the cost of living is out of control. Even those who have managed to hold on to well-paying jobs are feeling the pinch. Of course, Ardern has refused to admit there’s even a crisis.

[…]New Zealanders are suffering under a government viewed as further to the left of socialism and financially incompetent, with Ardern regarded as sly and evasive when it comes to answering questions she dislikes.

In spite of her charm offensive, more media are risking her displeasure by voicing concern about the inappropriateness of so many of the control policies widely imposed. Only now reversed, for example, is forcing fully-vaccinated, well people from overseas to enter expensive quarantine facilities while Omicron rampages throughout the country!

The Ardern government’s provision of superior, unprecedented rights for part-Maori who belong to powerful, immensely wealthy, neo-tribal corporations was a factor bringing so many to protest at Parliament recently.

Although it was pilloried as run by anti-vaxxers and others against vaccination mandates, the majority of the crowd – apart from an inevitable mob element – was there to protest against the loss of so many of our freedoms.

Well-meaning, ordinary New Zealanders set up support systems for families and children there. The police, on the whole – apart from the usual fringe bullies found in a police force – left them alone until sufficient provocation was provided to require them to act.

Many highly respected New Zealanders, including the America’s Cup winner, Sir Russell Coutts, came to join the protesters. He himself, like others, stated he was strongly opposed to the ever-increasing erosion of our human rights and the growing limitations on freedom of choice. Most importantly, he stated he was against creating different laws and privileges based on race.

Ardern has trampled all over the Bill of Rights, turning it from something that should have protected us against tyranny to nothing more than a “guide” book.

So much for the constant invoking of kindness and well-being, falling so readily from the lips of our leader.

One thing was constantly obvious – Arden’s antipathy to those worried enough to voice their concerns. She simply told them to go away. And now our power-wedded leader is thinking of extending the confusing traffic light control system over the country – to cope with the possible emergence of flu this winter. New Zealanders have only just begun to protest.

The government will tell you that what is happening is a worldwide thing. They’ll tell you that by having your rights taken away you’re saving lives. They’ll try and tell you things would be much worse if it weren’t for them. The truth is that on every measurement the government has failed.
