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76 per cent More Coal in Your Stocking This Christmas

Image credit The BFD.

David Seymour
ACT Leader

Meme credit The BFD.

Coal imports are up a staggering 76 per cent on this time last year as Labour continues to import dirty coal from Indonesia.

According to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, there was 517,000 tonnes this September vs 294,000 tonnes last September.

These figures make a mockery of Jacinda Ardern’s “nuclear free moment,” a mockery of the so-called “climate emergency” and a mockery of James Shaw’s mission to Glasgow to save the world.

Cartoon credit SonovaMin. The BFD

If we want to avoid burning millions of tonnes of foreign coal in future, the Government needs to re-evaluate its oil and gas ban.

For yet another quarter these figures have shown that this coal powered Government is all spin.

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