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The BFD. Cartoon credit Sonovamin

The work is being done in Phil Twyford’s office. More alarm bells are ringing. Twyford says the work is at an early stage. If that’s the case then it’s not too late to stop it. This should be done immediately. The last thing we need is the Government taking stakes in private businesses. This smells awfully like something out of the Jacinda Ardern road to Venezuela travel guide otherwise known as Ardern’s idea of a socialist utopia.

As Cameron Bagrie points out, he would be very wary of additional Government efforts to invest directly in business. He says it’s difficult to assess anything without a specific plan, but the Government needs to be very careful because the risk of moving into corporate welfare is large. He makes the point that we have already seen examples of corporate welfare in the tourism sector with millions being given to a Bungy outfit.

MBIE says they are unable to give the total amount so far handed out to businesses. Why not? How difficult is it? Don’t they possess a calculator? I’d also like to know the criteria they use when deciding who they give our money to. I would not be trusting of the rules put in place because in this area, as in other areas, this Government is way out of its depth. I’m not convinced in this instance they’d take the advice of their officials. Favouritism would be my bet.

The Government buying stakes in businesses is something else altogether. There is no place for this in New Zealand. The role of Government is to create conditions where businesses can thrive, not get involved in the running of them. This Government, in particular, getting involved in any business would be an absolute disaster. This is nothing more than a ploy straight out of the Ardern playbook. It is highly dangerous and needs to be stopped right now. They have no business experience amongst their MP’s bar Damien O’Connor and therefore could make no practical input.

Let’s paint the picture of this country at the moment. We have Police all over the entrances and exits to Auckland, people can’t get to work, military are guarding hotels all over the place, hotels are becoming like prisons with CCTV inside and out, masks are becoming compulsory and now the Government wants to buy stakes in businesses. Remind you of anywhere?

What we have is what I term Jacinda creep. COVID is being used in a Machiavellian way to implement her socialist, some would say communist, agenda. She is showing all the modus operandi of the Dictator she is. It is alarming so few people seem to be aware of the road we are being taken down. If in fact they are and are happy with it then this country has not got a bright future.

Here is the plan as outlined by Tucker Carlson on Fox News. He told his viewers that when the health experts tell you a vaccine is the only answer to eradicating COVID they are lying. Carlson said the elites had no intention of returning life to how it was in February 2020. He quoted the Head of the World Health Organisation as saying that finding a vaccine is not the goal, reordering society is the goal. “We will not, we cannot go back to how things were”. Carlson also played clips of Bill Gates saying the Coronavirus could allow leaders to reorder society to fight so-called “climate change”.

Carlson went on to say that for Tedros and Gates pandemic and climate change share a very different connection. Both are useful pretexts for mass social control. Both are essentially unsolvable crises they can harness to bypass democracy and force powerless populations to obey their commands. Politicians seized on the coronavirus to impose lockdowns that granted them enormous power.

For all of that read Jacinda Ardern. You may be sure she is well and truly on board with this. Again, we can reflect on her comrades’ speech. The lies we get told at 1 pm daily illustrate that this Government is not to be trusted and the ideas they are putting forward show just how dangerous they are.

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