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A Dentist and Support Worker’s Stories

person in gray long sleeve shirt holding black tablet computer
Photo by Jonathan Borba. The BFD.

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science

The NZDSOS Truth Project is an opportunity for health care workers and others to disclose what they are seeing since the rollout of the injections.

Please note: When asking for this information, we are aware that there are people who seek to discredit us and who have posed as people they are not (e.g. journalists pretending to be patients). We are trusting that those who provide this information are genuine and seek to share what is being hidden. We cannot guarantee that there are not some with ulterior motives providing false information. As doctors, our default setting is trusting people.

Defiant Dentist: The jab injuries walk through our door every day. It goes on and on, and it is heartbreaking. The following happened last Tuesday, in one single day…

In the morning, I saw the grandmother of the nine year old boy who got pericarditis after the jab, taken only to be able to participate in school sports. His crushing symptoms continue after many months. He has received no medical help, with no consideration given to possible permanent damage.

My receptionist reported that two of my patients had cancelled due to pancreatic cancer. One of them is already dead. He seemed fine when I saw him in June. Diagnosis to death seems increasingly rapid these days, with these new “turbo” cancers.

I saw a man who is suffering from acute joint pain throughout his body since the booster. It only went when he caught Covid, with these ‘safe and effective’ jabs, but has since returned. It was the same for my wife and me, with our chest pain from pericarditis. Covid felt heavenly! We experienced no pain for the first time since November. But when we got over Covid it returned with a vengeance.

I had a 26-year-old man with blood clots on his lungs, his sister now with a racing heartbeat. They had not made a connection to the jab. They have now.

My nurse’s mother, formerly a devout Covidian, now has the autoimmune Graves’ disease and she is angry. She declares that she never realised she was signing her own death certificate.

An old lady in her 80s is now suffering cardiac issues. This was all in one day. A single heartbreaking day.

How can we retain any trust or confidence in a medical profession and system that allows this to happen, that silently acquiesces to what feels like genocide? They know what is happening, and fear is no excuse.

Amazingly, people clearly wouldn’t recognise tyranny if it covered their faces, locked them in their homes, divided communities and families, made them show papers and force medicated them with an experimental poison.

The day of reckoning draws near. It has to. Silence is no longer an option, the direction we are headed is terrifying. It’s time for people to take off their masks and smell the bullshit.

NZDSOS comment: This heartbroken man’s mother lived through a genocide. Many of her peers died so that no one else would have to. “Lest we forget” bears repeating.
Senior Support Worker: I worked at a community home for residents with physical disabilities. After the second jab, 3 out of 13 residents started having serious side effects, although all were given paracetamol straight after the jabs to prevent any pain.

One mild one had rocketed blood pressure up over 180, only to be prescribed blood pressure pills.

Other 2 ladies started having extremely heavy menstrual bleeding, whilst both on hormone control drugs which they both hadn’t bled on for many years.

One lady had a few panic attacks which she hadn’t had for many years, heart palpitations. Sent to ER twice. Everything swept under the carpet as they both had long medical history.

If you are a Health Care worker Tell your story here.
