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A Fox Wearing Feathers Is NOT a Chicken

The BFD.

I really can’t take it anymore. Everywhere I look I am seeing metaphorical foxes wearing feathers claiming that they are chickens! We live in a world where people without a shred of embarrassment can openly spout complete porkies and not only are they not called out on their lies they are encouraged and praised for them.

It has got to stop, as it is getting worse. First, the foxes claimed that they identified as chickens and started wearing feathers, and people humoured their mental illness and were kind to them. After all, it doesn’t hurt any of us to call a fox Henny Penny now does it? No harm, no fowl foul in other words.

Then the foxes started to insist that they weren’t just wearing feathers and identifying as chickens, they actually were chickens. Kind people not wanting to upset foxes with an obvious serious mental illness decided to go along with their claim and agree with them that they were in actual fact, chickens, not foxes wearing feathers. After all, it hurt no one and they sensed no fowl foul play. They decided to call them Trans-chickens as a subtle way of acknowledging that they weren’t in actual fact real chickens, hoping that they would be happy with that compromise.

Then the foxes err.. Trans-chickens, who by now had legal recognition of their chickenhood, demanded access to chicken coop spaces. At this point, the kind people began to get alarmed as after all they knew that if they gave in to the latest demand they would be literally letting foxes into the hen house.

The foxes would not be persuaded. Legally they were chickens and they had a piece of paper to prove it. The kind people didn’t have a leg to stand on as they had agreed that a lie was the truth. How could they now admit that foxes wearing feathers were not real chickens?

The foxes were allowed into the chicken coops despite the chickens protesting and demanding that their rights as chickens to have chicken only spaces be respected.

The activist chickens defending chicken rights were painted as trans-chicken phobic and their concerns were ignored. In no time at all cases began to come to light of Trans-chickens reverting to their true Fox nature and licking chickens that they came into contact with inside the chicken only spaces.

When chickens began to complain and share their fears that the licking might progress to eating they were told that very few Trans-chickens progressed to eating and that it was not fair to smear all Trans-chickens as chicken eaters.

Then a few chickens were eaten but by then Trans-chickens were dominating in chicken-only sports and real chickens everywhere were looking at each other, shaking their heads and exclaiming… what the cluck!

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