Akin to a cult. However, the scale of the event is unprecedented – in the tens of millions. Literally all of civil society throughout the developed world became Jonestown but without the charismatic leader and without the coercion of armed men.
Toby Rogers PhD.
The year 2024 has drawn to a close. There are those who never dare to reflect. It may be far too regretful to dwell on the past few years and their personal involvement in it. Thinking about what happened engenders too much anxiety.
It’s a deep dive to try to understand what happened from 2020–2024. A 21-year-old reports the Covid-19 spectacle is a mere blip at a moment in the history of the world. In the prime of her life, she is eagerly moving on. However, sadly, she states the Covid-19 vaccinators’ legal requirement of ‘informed consent’ was non-existent. It was not right and downright dangerous that neither she nor others were told about the risks of the Covid jab they were implored to receive. This was all the more shocking, she said, when she recently found out about thalidomide’s disastrous effects on pregnant women which resulted in devastating deformities of their newborns. Lessons ignored, in her mind.
It is becoming more marked how differently we process the Covid years. As a country, NZ, like others, is in uncharted territory. The most difficult thing to contemplate is just how very strange it was and still is.
Doctors and nurses now have an impossible undertaking. Medical whistleblowers are reporting from staff meetings the enormity of mistrust among their patients. As never before, they wonder how to rebuild public trust: it is near impossible when they created the problem by their bald-faced lies.
CJ Hopkins, political satirist, writer and playwright will not be silenced about his observations and lets his feelings be known. He has been tried twice as a ‘hate speech’ criminal in the Berlin Appellate Court in Germany. He was acquitted once but then retried and found guilty. Robert F Kennedy Jr describes Hopkins as, “Our modern-day Jeremiah. No other prophet has described the strategies or predicted the perils of the emerging totalitarianism with such persistence and eloquence.” Fearless, Hopkins continues to chronicle his ‘thoughtcrimes Kafkaesque prosecution’ on Consent Factory, Inc. See his A Tale of Two Psyops article here:
The War on Populism raged for four years, and culminated in the rollout of the New Normal, officially known as “the Covid pandemic.” For over two years, i.e., from March 2020 to approximately December 2022, the global-capitalist empire morphed into a new form of totalitarianism, a global-capitalist form of totalitarianism, which was not like any other previous form of totalitarianism.
This period was the shock-and-awe phase of the rollout of the New Normal Reich.
The transition to the New Normal Reich was broadcast throughout the global empire. The message was unmistakeably clear. From now on, there would be a “New Normal.” It would be like a permanent state of war, a permanent state of civil war. And so, from now on everyone would need to pledge their allegiance to the New Normal Reich, and follow orders, or be labelled an “extremist,” a “science denier,” a “conspiracy theorist,” or some other type of seditious deviant.
The vast majority of the citizens of the West understood the message, followed orders, and pledged allegiance to the New Normal Reich. But a sizeable minority did not. The global-capitalist empire needed to neutralize this sizeable minority. The majority of this sizeable minority was comprised of conservative, libertarian, and other basically right-leaning people. It contained a few old-school left-leaning people, but they were a minority within a minority, and so they weren’t really a factor when it came to neutralizing the larger minority, which the empire promptly set about doing.
Hopkins’ new book, to be release in 2025, is Fear & Loathing in the New Normal Reich and describes a hilarious and horrifying journey into the dark heart of the “New Normal Reich”.
In medical terms, iatrogenesis means an adverse effect or ill health caused by medical activity. The term comes from the Greek words iatros, meaning physician, and genesis, meaning origin. CJ Hopkins is harking back to the horrors of World War II in the 1940s but the Covid-19 spectacle is far worse. The Germans were simply following orders; this time they are willingly harming and killing themselves by jabbing everyone with an untested bioweapon. New Zealanders had the luxury of time – watching what happened in the Northern Hemisphere but our leaders decided to enforce the same misery on to us anyway.
Rather than a blip in the history of mankind, the entirety of the Covid-19 disaster continues to be a gigantic, smouldering, unanswered mess. Those who saw through the madness were often severely controlled. Going into 2025, we must not forget: we must think about it and demand answers and accountability.