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A Most Unlikely Witness for Conversion Therapy

The BFD. Milo


Milo Yiannopoulos, the flamboyant right-wing political commentator who is known for being as outspoken as it gets, has announced, “Conversion Therapy does work”.

The 36-year-old British political commentator, whose speeches and writings often ridicule political correctness, social justice and feminism, declared himself no longer gay and sodomy free.

As far as his personal life, Yiannopoulos said of his husband: “The guy I live with has been demoted to housemate, which hasn’t been easy for either of us. It helps that I can still just about afford to keep him in Givenchy and a new Porsche every year. Could be worse for him, I guess.”

Lifesite News March 21

Yiannopoulos made headlines in the past as a modern-day contradiction in terms. He describes himself as a practising Roman Catholic, and says his maternal grandmother was Jewish. His father is half-Greek and half Irish. While forcefully defending conservative principles, even railing against abortion and defending the Catholic faith on college campuses, he lived a very public and ostentatious homosexual lifestyle.

Yiannopoulos claims he is no longer gay and likened his homosexuality to an ‘addiction’ and ‘being an alcoholic’. Yiannopoulos announces that he would like to help rehabilitate others with what the media calls ‘conversion therapy’ over the next decade. This incredible news went viral, as media picked up the story.

“Of course, I was never wholly at home in the gay lifestyle — Who is? Who could be?”  And only leaned heavily into it in public because it drove liberals crazy to see a handsome, charismatic, intelligent gay man riotously celebrating conservative principles. He likened his former life as a gay man to degeneracy and felt it was all he deserved.

Daily Mail 11 March 21
With a background of homosexual reparative therapy being illegal in many places, Yiannopoulos stated he has benefitted from a certain type of personal or spiritual counselling in this regard, and he plans to help others through promoting or providing similar support.

Patrick Delaney- LifeSite News
He says “the ‘you were born that way propaganda’, was quite brilliant and it worked, the problem is, it’s not true”.

Lifesite News
“What we know for sure, is that ‘born this way’ is not science. It’s public relations. It’s a lie,” he says.

New York Post

Yiannopoulos is speaking out about his experience as an ex-gay man at a time when Australia and most Western nations are outlawing, not only therapeutic assistance, but even the slightest suggestion that a person’s sexual orientation could change.

The Victorian Change and Suppression (Conversion) Practices Prohibition Act 2021 “denounce[s] and give[s] statutory recognition to the serious harm caused by change or suppression practices”. Parliament believes that “conversion therapy” is “deceptive and harmful both to the person subject to the change or suppression practices and to the community as a whole”.

Significantly, the Victorian legislation makes it illegal for a parent to pray for their child, even if they had requested them to do so. As such, Dr Barns believes it is right for Christians to defy the governing authority.

Dr Peter Barns, Moderator General Presbyterian Church of Australia Feb 21

Queensland Deputy Premier Steve Miles, Chief Minister Andrew Barr and Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews ingratiate themselves with LGBTQ+-identifying youth, pouring millions of dollars into mental health programs that seldom help their pain.

Asked about concerns over the potential harm to gay youth, Yiannopoulos dismissed those fears as merely the product of the practice having a bad rap. Basically, people who don’t believe in it call it ‘conversion therapy’, and people who do believe in it call it ‘reparative therapy’.

New York Post
In society at large, when people come out as gay they are celebrated for having arrived at their natural end-point. […]  But one oddity of this position is that anybody who is gay and then subsequently decides they are straight will be the subject not just of a degree of ostracism and suspicion, but widespread doubt that they are being honest about their true selves. […] A gay who has become straight has rendered himself an object of permanent suspicion.

Douglas Murray The Madness of Crowds
New Zealand Young Labour and Young Greens also want it unlawful for anyone to offer a child of any age or an adult, any level of discussion or consultation, should they express concerns over their sexuality or gender.  The pressure is on in New Zealand to pass this bill urgently.
The Conversion Therapy Group (CTAG) urges the Government to act on their election promise to ban Conversion Therapy.  Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says that she wants to see the bill to ban Conversion Therapy in Parliament by the end of 2021.

Scoop Independent News 6 Feb 2021

The LGBTQ+ people will continue to try to shut Milo Yiannopoulos down. He has already made enemies in Islam, with feminists and the left-leaning press. The sceptics (who are usually right) are waiting for him to simply return to his gay lifestyle. There are those hoping he will renounce his more shocking comments as ‘gallows humour’.

Yiannopoulos has been previously banned from campuses, Twitter, Facebook, and Australia.  Time will tell how Yiannopoulos’s Christian renaissance pans out. Many are supportive and are praying for him.

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