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Photo by Christine Jou

Sir Bob Jones

“Something beautiful happened in England last night”, wrote Dan Wootton in the Daily Mail, the day after England’s victory over Denmark.

“It marked the moment the people took back control over the bed-wetting scientists and politicians who have become drunk on trying to restrict the beauty of living a normal life”.

Wootton was referring to the nation-wide euphoria of dancing in the streets, hugging and kissing strangers etc. Sure there will be a surge in covid cases but, having nearly vaccinated everyone, so what?

It’s a spirit unique to the English which I’ve always loved and admired and so utterly contrary to the fear driven appetite for being controlled by so many New Zealanders.

But not all. We’ve always suffered the loss of our best and brightest who seek out life in countries run by grown-ups. I’m picking a massive exodus in the immediate years ahead by freedom lovers, tired of nanny-statism and blatant “front of the vaccination queue” lying.

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