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A New Chance for Positive Change

Photo Of Woman Tutoring Young Boy
Credit: Julia M Cameron. The BFD.

Alwyn Poole
Innovative Education Consultants

Key Stats on NZ Education

  • Our system is in long-term decline against international measures and some subjects and levels have us as the worst English speaking nation.
  • PISA had NZ as the worst national for in school bullying.
  • Biggest gaps in OECD between socio-economic levels.
  • A NCEA achievement decline in 2021 vs 2022.
  • Full attendance (exclusive of covid) at 60% and at 36% for decile 1.
  • Massive ethnic stratification in terms of schools attended and results.
  • 67% of Asian school leavers with UE – less than 20% of Maori and Pasifika.
  • Some schools retaining 100% of their students to 17yo – others losing 40%.
  • Many students in Northland, Auckland and Waikato not bothering to sit exams.
  • Data released by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) showed 43.2% of students in the three regions did not sit them in 2021, up from 10.7 per cent across the three areas in 2020.

  • Auckland schools having a 35% Year 11 – 13 return after lockdown and some at 10%. Which ethnicities and poverty levels will be hit hardest by this?
  • Our three best universities ranked 153, 303, 447 in the world.

Over the last 15 years, it has been incredibly hard to get politicians or Ministry leaders to see, understand and act on the demise of our teaching and learning. The demise is NOT covid related but things have never been worse. During Labour’s term, the Ministry of Education has gone from approximately 2900 bureaucrats to nearly 4000. It seems all they are doing is adding weight to a sinking ship.

Gaven Marten (Massey University) recently wrote:

“We have been in both relative and absolute decline for more than 20 years. The economic costs to the nation and the impact on individuals of this are truly appalling. Read An empirical portrait of New Zealand adults living with low literacy and numeracy skills, by an AUT study group, and then weep – I did.”

“It’s about the way our children are taught, and the knowledge and skills teachers bring into the classroom.”

There Is a New Chance for Positive Change.

In New Zealand we have suffered a number of things that have reduced our opportunities for systemic change:

  1. The Ministry and recent Ministers have had despotic control and/or have been far more interested in using the system to bring about ideological change rather that a powerful, high-quality education that allows you people to grow up with aspiration, a skill set of high economic value and who can think for themselves.
  2. The State in NZ offers minimal support for Private Schooling and has severely limited the development of Designated Character Schooling. The effect has been to limit choice for parents – especially when children do not fit the shape of the cookie-cutter.
  3. We have had two areas of concentration of high ability teachers. Firstly; in the private sector and in decile 8 – 10 State Schools (you can be sure that the teacher mandate is affecting Auckland Grammar a lot less than decile 1 schools across Auckland). Secondly there has been a geographical concentration in the big cities/towns with great infrastructure for families and access to entertainment, etc.

What Has Changed? Potentially a Great Deal.

  • Worldwide – during lockdowns many parents have been appalled at both the quality of the teaching/resourcing and the nature (ideological) of the content. Many parents want far more say in their child’s education.
  • The improvement in the technology to be able to provide high-quality “virtual classrooms” has been impressive – and there is more to come. This takes away the need for massive bricks and mortar, significantly reduces the fees a private school can offer, and breaks the link between geographic/demographic teacher location and that of the child.
  • There is a pool of very high-quality teachers who have been increasingly disappointed in the administration, control, ideological impositions of our system and are looking to do what they went into teaching for – to care for young people, help them learn and create a future for themselves.

MT Hobson Academy Connected (Online+) Is an Early and Highly Effective Adapter to These Societal Changes. The Key Features:

  • A high quality background and support team and the experience we can draw upon across our three established schools that outstanding.
  • An incredible team of lead teachers already recruited and doing a great job.
  • Our education model is deeply researched and significant external research has endorsed it. This is both in its in-person and online form.
  • There will be a much greater opportunity for parents to be involved in the education of their child. All research shows this to be a crucial success factor.
  • Constant feedback on progress, effort and what to do next through a range of mechanisms.
  • Constant review of the best use of virtual classrooms.

It is time for change for the good of young New Zealanders and we will do our part. Come along for the ride.

Alwyn Poole

Innovative Education Consultants
