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Racism: It’s the Left have left. The BFD.

The “Yes” campaign has fallen to a new, grubby low, as it desperately tries to save a failing referendum campaign. In one of the most despicable turns in recent mainstream Australian politics, the left are deliberately stoking racial division to try and save a racially divisive referendum.

And they’re using one of the nastiest, far-left groups in Australia to do it.

A GetUp-backed group that supports the Indigenous voice to ­parliament is urging advocates, organisations and journalists to alienate opponents and encourage them to make racist comments so more Australians join the Yes camp, as its research shows nearly half of Indigenous Australians don’t even know about the upcoming referendum.

GetUp are far-left head-stompers, founded by Labor hacks, with money ripped off from union workers by Bill Shorten. The group has gained particular notoriety for its stalking, bullying and harassment of female conservative politicians.

Having failed to persuade Australians that inserting racial separatism into the Constitution is a wise idea, the GetUp brownshirts have been tasked with deliberately stoking racism. Because playing the “Racism” card is all they’ve got.

The same people accusing others of “stoking division” are explicitly stoking racial division.

“Our messages should alienate them.”

But the new research also exposes another Big Lie of the “Yes” campaign. For months, campaigners have claimed that more than 80% of Aboriginal Australians support the Voice. Now, we find out that just under half of them know nothing about it.

“Over 45 per cent (of Indigenous Australians) are saying they have heard very little or know nothing about the referendum (and) 25 per cent have said they’re a No in terms of where they are sitting on the campaign,” [GetUp chief executive Larissa Baldwin said.]

So: more than 80% support, or 25% rejection? Both can’t be true.

But footling things like facts have never been of much concern for “academic” Voice campaigners like Marcia Langton. Langton, who recently claimed that Aborigines had lived in Australia for “millions of years”, is expanding her ignorance — or mendacity — to the Constitution.

“Our Constitution is racist … it was designed as a racist Constitution. The slogan was ‘Australia for the white man’.”

This is simply untrue. “Australia for the white man” was the slogan of The Bulletin magazine, but not the Constitution. The White Australia policy was in fact the creation of the Australian Labor Party, who demanded it as the price of forming the coalition that was Australia’s first government.

Langton is a dangerous fool, but at least she’s inadvertently exposing the lie that the Voice is a minimal Constitutional change.

“People who are opposing (the voice referendum) are saying we are destroying the fabric of their sacred Constitution. Yes, that’s right, that’s exactly what we’re doing,” Professor Langton said.

The Australian

These credentialed cretins are doing all the work of the “No” case for them.

The only problem is that they are dragging Australian politics down to a new low in racist muck in their desperation to grab apartheid power.


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