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A Slice of Christmas Pavlova and Santa’s Gift of Omicron

Slice of pavlova dessert

The PM’s pavlova was reviewed by David Seymour on his social media platforms.

Seymour slams PM’s pavlova tactics

“Seymour didn’t miss a beat, taking the opportunity to have his own crack at the Government’s response this year, resharing the post to his social media platforms with the caption: “I think what Jacinda meant was: “If your Government’s agenda starts to crumble, just cover with spin and taxpayer money. If voters catch on, give them a bigger slice of cake!””

Te Ao Maori News

Well said, David Seymour. Of course, Jacinda was entitled to her slice of a Kiwi Christmas while ignoring the mandated miseries she has inflicted on the citizens of this once strong country. The pavlova in question split in half – or should that be the 49% of the latest opinion poll? A metaphor, surely, for the division she has so gleefully wrought in this country.

Photo by ponce_photography. The BFD.

And the whipped cream she lavished upon her sticky treat obscuring the reality of He PuaPua, Three Waters, Pae Ora. The appalling issues with Kainga Ora with out-of-control tenants terrorising communities and inflicting $35.3 million property damage over the past five years and with the agency unable to determine how much, if any, monies have been repaid by destructive, privileged occupiers.

We have billows of sickly cover-up, studded with the fruits, the spoils, of her divisive actions. And inside the brittle exterior of the confection, just air and puff, no substance, and leaving a bitter aftertaste of the artificial sweetener of a purchased Press and fawning lickspittles, two of whom are now cry-babies calling for support and protection. Oh, grow up, do, you precious darlings. This attention-grabbing tactic will surely backfire on them, as wouldn’t the University of Auckland seek to rid themselves of such trouble-makers and academic non-entities way over their heads in their paddle (not a swim) in the dangerous pool of politics, without armbands?

One Source of Truth. Image credit Wibble. The BFD.

Christmas Day for us began with a neighbourhood breakfast at the outset of which it was decided that neither Covid nor the Government’s removal of democracy and its replacement with an unmandated socialist regime and race-based co-governance would form any part of the conversation. And so neither featured for about five minutes, when it became painfully obvious that because no one had been anywhere or done anything except deal with Covid and Jacinda and her perfidy, they were inevitably going to be the main topics of conversation.

We really did try to steer clear of the do-not-go-there issues, but the reality is that our lives have been shrunk to survival mode, and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs focused on the bottom of the triangle and not the lofty height of its self-actualising apex.

Some of us confessed to feeling angry. Usually calm, reasonable people feeling unreasonably angry. Even as the PM happily reports on a broken dessert, the most pressing worry she had, the nation’s mental health is under threat. And the media darlings with their mani-pedis chose instead to breathlessly report pavlova puff when the country is going to hell in a handcart.

And what did Santa bring Jacinda for Christmas? The gift of Omicron. And so here we go again. Huddled in our down-under cave, we can only count the dreams that fell like dominoes for the last two years and will, it seems, continue to do so. Broken families, broken hearts.

And the lycra luvvies and their harbour crossing are once again front-page news. The on, off, maybe on, probably, definitely on crossing for a tiny number of tightly-clad pedal-pushers at the expense of common sense and yet more hot-off-the-press money. Just another dollop of billions, just more cream on Jacinda’s pavlova obscuring the reality of the perilous state of the economy with never-before-seen government spending on fripperies.

A country being led into the wasteland of impending apartheid that lurks beneath the jolly topping. Mahuta and Jackson and their elite ilk are dangerous and leading us down the path of co-governed separatism. Are they calling all the shots, or does Jacinda still think she has some control over them? It looks increasingly as though she has been backed into a corner by the wily Willie and the mendacious Mahuta.

But wait… there’s a wedding, just to cheer us all up. With the drug-addled Ella and a DJ with a silly name who manages three trips to NZ in 18 months through the rort known as MIQ. He did not follow the ‘rules’ and has escaped any consequences, unlike others before him. Friends in high places. Vaxxed Police still with jobs are anecdotally fed up with being required to attend the wayward non-mask wearers as reported by the self-righteous, busy-body Karens. What have we come to?

And tragically, we learn of 25 drownings for the summer period thus far. Close the beaches, cut off access to lakes, shutter swimming pools, close the borders. Seventeen and counting dead as a result of traffic accidents. Lock all vehicles and mandate the confiscation of car keys. Close the borders. I am not in any way minimising the tragedy of those deaths, the loss and enduring heartbreak. Will our fear-mongers continue the same tactics with the ever-trickier little virus and send us down the rabbit hole of global sequestration for yet another year?

But wait, there’s still more. The six free steak knives of another mutant of the virus that has been identified in South-Eastern France: variant IHU, or B.1.640.2. A new COVID-19 variant named ‘IHU’ was discovered in France — said to be stronger than Omicron ( Yet more opportunity for panic and changing traffic lights, that will again see us stalled at the intersections of common sense and reality, with the opposing traffic stopped at fear and mask-wearing – inside their vehicles, alone.

Is there no voice of reason that the Government will listen to in that we must learn to live with Covid? Where is the person who can pressure jackbooted Jacinda to implement effective management protocols rather than pointless pre-emptive political strikes against what is a health issue?

Where is the person to tell her that threats of booster shots at timed intervals to suit the prevailing narrative and Pfizer’s share price cannot be the long-term answer? That the health of the nation is not based on vaccination? That Covid can no longer be a political tool for a PM high on the endorphins of unbridled power? If such a person existed would she listen? Probably not.
