ACT Party
This week, ACT brought back our own version of the Epidemic Response Committee, we called for fairness on the vaccine rollout, we held Jacinda Ardern to account for the lack of pre-departure testing from Sydney, and we called for weekly resurgence payments.
Epidemic Response Committee
In the first lockdown, we had the Opposition led Epidemic Response Committee. It gave scrutiny to the Government’s response. Not only did Ministers and officials appear, but every day Kiwis whose lives were turned on their heads.
It was so effective that the Government has tried to stop it from happening again. So today we held our own committee focussing on the hospo industry, chaired by David Seymour and ACT’s Small Business spokesperson Chris Baillie, who also owns a bar and restaurant.
We heard firsthand from bar and restaurant owners about the toll this has taken on them. You can watch the committee here.
Vaccines for all
David Seymour stirred the hornets by publishing the ‘Priority Access Code for Maori.’ Why did the left go beserk?
He dissects the situation: You can read David Seymour’s response in the New Zealand Herald here.
Resurgence Payments
ACT’s Small Business spokesperson Chris Baillie has spent the week advocating for weekly resurgence payments.
ACT is calling for the Resurgence Payments to be weekly under Level 4, Level 3 and for hospitality under Level 2.
The Government just doesn’t seem to understand the pressure these businesses are under through absolutely no fault of their own.
The additional payments the Government has announced today is a start – but it won’t be nearly enough for most businesses who still have outgoing costs like rent, rates and insurance.
We have stood by as the Government has given money from the COVID Fund for cameras on fishing boats, Three Waters and the Spirit Collection at Te Papa. It’s time to support the people who have been stopped from operating through no fault of their own.
Pre-departure testing
David Seymour questioned the Prime Minister about why there was no pre-departure testing from Sydney. The Government was always wrong and now by reinstating pre-departure testing from New South Wales, it has admitted it was wrong. That comes after days of defending its cancellation of pre-departure tests against all logic.
Passengers on the newly announced ‘red flight’ from Sydney must have pre-departure tests within 72-hours of departure.
The Government previously dropped the requirement for pre-departure testing for Kiwis coming home from New South Wales, while practically every other location on earth requires pre-departure testing and MIQ if you want to come to New Zealand.
You can watch David vs Jacinda here.
James McDowall, ACT’s Immigration spokesperson questioned Immigration Minister Kris Faafoi about why industries are waiting until they reach crisis point until the Government acts.
More money more problems
The Government’s been telling us how well the COVID response is going, it’s been putting $140 billion on the next generation’s tab. Watch David Seymour on the end of this year’s budget debate.
ACT TV was back this week with, Deputy Leader Brooke van Velden was in the hot seat for a few days. All of the episodes can be found on our Facebook and YouTube accounts.
You can watch Brooke and Dr Murray Horn talking about a Central COVID Authority here. All of our episodes are on our Facebook and YouTube pages.
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