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American Lockdown Protests are Getting Inventive

FU to the Michigan Gov. The_BFD

We all have different ways of protesting when something upsets us. Some of us tell the person where to go verbally, some start a petition, some silently ignore rules they see as dumb, and some just start writing for an online news and views sites ;0)

Some people though are far more creative. Like Ed Frederick, a Michigan USA pilot who decided to use his private plane to spell out a message to his local Democratic Govener Gretchen Whitmer.

Frederick (45), was inspired to take a trip in his small plane Friday morning after Whitmer announced she would be extending the state’s stay-at-home order through May 28.

“It’s a power trip,” Frederick told the New York Post.

“The government, no matter Democrats or Republicans, always seem like they’re trying to do something just to prove they’re doing something, without weighing the ramifications.”

Wow, that rings a bell.

Frederick cleverly spent an hour charting out the flightpath to give his simple message to Whitmer over her handling of the coronavirus, with an arrow pointing directly at the governor’s mansion, according to Flightaware.

Frederick, who lives just outside Grand Rapids, says he is a small business owner along with his sister and thought a shutdown was unnecessary for the entire state, considering how most of the cases were clustered around Detroit.

“That’s been an issue for a lot of people in the rural counties,” he added. “There are 82 counties, but really only four need to be locked down.”

See that’s how it’s done. A clear simple explanation of how you feel and what your response to your elected leader is.

Te Whare Pirimia – 260 Tinakori Rd, Thorndon, Wellington.

I wonder what someone might write in relation to Jacinda’s actions. As you can see from the satelite picture above, (which just happens to highlight her current abode), there is plenty of room for someone to be just as creative. (Keep it seemly people, this is a family show).
