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An unprecedented & sneaky change to our electoral law

National party MP Nick Smith has accused the government of rushing changes in electoral law to advantage the coalition’s re-election. He called the move “sneaky” and pointed out that it was being done in an unprecedented way and against convention.

In the past, changes to the electoral law only happened after extensive cross-party consultation. Smith said that the government are “riding roughshod” over the process and that cabinet has pre-empted the decision.


Alexis de Tocqueville on Enlightened Self Interest

Alexis de Tocqueville on Enlightened Self Interest

Tocqueville was generous, both with his biting criticisms and his reverent praises, whereby as a matter of necessity due to one social system springing out of the other – like Athena from the head of Zeus – the democratic experiment was compared most obviously with its aristocratic parent.

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