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blue and white flag on pole
Photo by Taylor Brandon. The BFD.

Yaakov Kirschen

Another Brooklyn boy. Born March 8, 1938. Graduated from Queens College 1961. Wrote and drew funny cards for Norcross. After dismissal for loudness and jocular attitude became a freelance gag cartoonist for the former Mad Mag guys who were then doing Cracked. Moved on to doing cartoons for Playboy. Included in several “Best Of” Playboy anthologies. Fell in with the anti-Vietnam War folks and was actually elected delegate to the 1968 Democratic convention in Chicago where, in spite of all the riots, was unable to get arrested. In 1971 moved to Israel, changed first name from Jerry to Yaakov, and in 1973 began drawing a daily editorial strip called Dry Bones. In 2003 the toon celebrated its 30th year in the Jerusalem Post. It has been reprinted or quoted by the NY Times, Time Mag, LA Times, CBS, AP, etc.
Forbes Mag said about Kirschen: “In the tradition of Nast, Herblock, and Mauldin.

In the aftermath of the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, many, if not most, of the mainstream international news providers are acting like tools of Hamas (the demonic terrorist group responsible for the horrific Oct 7 attack).

A Dry Bones Cartoon

This is nothing new.

It is not even surprising.

Anti-Israelism, if not open antisemitism, has, for many years, supplanted media objectivity in every conflict involving the Jewish state.

Israel is now confronted with another dangerous enemy: journalists willing to spread Hamas lies, poisoning minds against us.
