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Sir Bob Jones

Our newspapers report without arousing any reaction, and I quote, “a surge in the number of people returning to New Zealand from India who have tested positive for coronavirus.”

In the early extreme panic stages a few months ago, a young MP, Hamish Walker, was forced into retirement with the tiresome New Zealand cries of racism when he made the same observation and asked why these infected arrivees should be sent to his electorate? Given the mood of the times and the pervading fear of the (then) unknown, it was a reasonable question. But with the racism baying in full flight, he was sent the factual evidence by National Party stalwart Michelle Boag, which he released to the media to prove his point.

The result; a disgraceful beat up leading to the termination of his career. So why was it racism then to point out the facts, but not now?

Surely an apology is due from the media who joyfully hounded Walker out of his career.

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