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Ardern’s Faded Fairy Dust

Gif credit The BFD.

The Princess seems to have lost her sparkle lately, so much so that Claire Trevett of the NZ Herald is speculating she could do a ‘Key’ and resign in office. Even the Emmerson cartoon focuses on who could fit into her shoes.

Labour don’t want the next ‘Carousel’ of picking the party leader to be like they had last time, so the rules will be changed so that only Caucus picks the leader and it will be a faster transition.

The last Saturday in September was a terrible one for Ardern as she found out on Facebook what some the ‘team of five million’ ‘really, really, think’. She normally gets between 2,000 to 3,000 comments on posts but this time she got an unheard of 11,000 dislikes. Her ‘Department Of No Arguments Department’ worked furiously to get rid of comments, but some of them got through.

Then Ryan on the AM show asked if the real reason people are not getting the jab is because they don’t like Jacinda Ardern. Amanda agreed with him and said it was “silly” but it was true.

Ardern’s September weekend from Hell didn’t end there, because on Sunday John Key’s Ghost came back to taunt her for being the head of a “Hermit Kingdom” similar to North Korea.

No sooner had he said ‘Smug Hermits’ than ‘ Nek Minute’ Kris Faafoi the Immigration Minister was allowing 165,000 people into New Zealand. Where they would get MIQ beds I don’t know.

Key had probably noticed that the very lucrative $4.3 billion enterprise of The Lord of the Rings had left the ‘Shire’ of New Zealand because of a lack of incentives. Frodo Baggins will have to pick his mushrooms elsewhere.

It’s probably not beyond his notice either that three NZ gaming companies have been bought for, between them, half a billion, and have gone overseas, because of a lack of incentives. Australia gives gaming companies a 40% rebate as an incentive so there will probably be a brain drain to Oz from here.

Kerre McIvor (HOS) has been driven into the hands of religion because of the extended Auckland lockdown. She said she will ‘bloody’ well join Bishop Brian Tamaki’s next lockdown protest. I hope she remembers to ask the bishop for absolution for her cussing. The bishop himself is facing six months imprisonment or a $4,000 fine for organising the protest. A petition has gone out to have him arrested. Tamaki says he is just pushing back on the oppressive laws of the government.

If Grant Robertson, Ardern’s Prince Charming, takes over the reins when she goes it will probably NOT count as a disadvantage to him that he and several Labour and Green MP’s were in ‘Maoist’ leaning organisations in their student days in the ’90s.

Brendan Lane, who was manager of Ardern’s Election Campaign in 2017, was of their ilk, according to Michael Loudon of Counterpunch: a Kiwi reporting from London on YouTube. He said Ardern gave a speech as President of the International Union of Socialist Youth in Hungary in 2009, where her favourite word was “Comrade”, and she downed capitalism. The only difference between then and now, is that she has a ‘country’ to apply her ideology to with the help of her ‘Maoist’ leaning MPs.

Five Eyes partners need wonder no more why we have gone China’s way. We have got our ‘Eyes Wide Shut’. Australia is concerned that Communism with a small ‘c’ is right on their doorstep.

New Zealand is actually in the ‘Valley of Decision’. Which way are we going to go? Perhaps the Spice Girls can tell us “What we really, really want.”

Yo, I’ll tell you what I want, what I really want,
So tell me what you want, what you really want.If you want my future forget my past,
If you wanna get with me,
Better make it fast.
Now don’t go wasting my precious time,
Get your act together we could be just fine.So tell me what you want, what you really really want.
