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Are You One of These Special People?

huge wave at daytime
Photo by Torsten Dederichs. The BFD.

“There is a tide in the affairs of men
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
On such a full sea are we now afloat;
And we must take the current when it serves,
Or lose our ventures.”

Thus wrote the great Shakespeare in  the play Julius Caesar.  I don’t know the play all that well, but he might well have written that it takes special people, firstly, to recognise when the tide is at flood, and secondly, to be prepared to do whatever is necessary to stem that flood.

Certainly in New Zealand at present there is a rising tide which, if ignored, will have us “bound in shallows and in miseries.”

The “such a full sea [on which] we are now afloat” has its origin in the coronavirus pandemic Covid-19, but the current we are being compelled to take in peril of our ventures is being set by a government which doesn’t seem to know its way, and seems to have a hidden agenda.

You need to read this article by Dr Muriel Newman in which she discusses the plan announced by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern in March 2019 to implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Dr Newman writes:

The Declaration had been launched twelve years earlier by the UN but at the time Helen Clark’s Labour Government had refused to sign because the demands were too radical.

Taken literally, the Declaration would essentially give control of a nation to those who self-identify as ‘indigenous’ – the ownership of all public and private land, all resources including fresh water, and the power to govern.

In 2008 the Maori Party made supporting the Declaration a condition of their coalition deal with John Key’s National Party. Two years later, the Declaration was secretly signed in New York. National justified their actions and placated opposition by claiming the agreement was not binding on the government, but was instead ‘symbolic and aspirational’.

Former Waitangi Tribunal Chairman Sir Edward Durie expressed a more prophetic view saying, ‘I would rank the day that New Zealand gave support to the Declaration, as the most significant day, in advancing Maori rights, since 6th February 1840.’

Without any mandate from New Zealanders, the Ardern Labour Government has decided to turn this symbolic accord into an action plan for our country. Her ultimate goal is to elevate Maori tribal leaders to the status of a ruling aristocracy. Representing 15 percent of the population, they will exercise 50 percent of the Government’s decision-making power and control the vast economic resources that would accompany such a role.

Without the constraints evident in the 2017-2020 Coalition Government involving NZ First, the reins of government are now firmly in the hands of a leader who was once the elected president of the International Union of Socialist Youth. So, should we be surprised that the wheels of implementation of UN plans for indigenous peoples are already in motion, as reported by Fiona Mackenzie at NZCPR in which Fiona writes of the Water Services Bill currently making its way through Parliament:

The Bill’s application of ‘Te Mana o te Wai’ is apartheid in nature and is very corruptible in that it secures enormous power for self-appointed Maori leaders over other New Zealanders in matters pertaining to this basic necessity. It also suggests that cultural/religious beliefs outweigh any scientific imperatives.

Any of you still unconvinced of Labour’s hidden agenda are urged to read what old-style left-wing commentator Chris Trotter has to say on the subject this week in his Insight Politics column on The BFD.

It is important to emphasise, here, that this is really happening. The changes being proposed are not the fruits of a left-wing magazine editor’s imagination, but of an officially constituted advisory group. With the certain knowledge of the Ministry of Maori Development, and, we must suppose, the blessing of Jacinda Ardern and her senior ministers, a process has been initiated which, if concluded, will effect a revolution in New Zealand life that will make ‘Rogernomics’ look like a Sunday school picnic.

I apologise in advance for the length of the YouTube presentation by Sharyl Attkisson to Hillsdale College, Michigan, USA, entitled “Slanted Journalism and the 2020 Election”. It’s all about how news media in the U.S. slanted its reporting of last year’s Presidential Election to contrive the defeat of Donald Trump. The drawn-out references in detail to these many slants require concentration, because every so often Sharyl drops in comments that alert Kiwis will recognise as applying equally here in New Zealand to what these days passes for our mainstream news media, both print and televised.

So, today’s question is: what is going to be done about this situation by those of us who are against New Zealand’s sovereignty being subjugated to the whims of unelected ideologues, many of whom may claim to speak for the world but are in fact, paid lackeys of countries subject to varying degrees of dictatorship, lacking the freedoms we take for granted?

I suggest two immediate solutions:

1.    Keep yourself aware:

As it has become painfully obvious that we cannot trust the so-called mainstream media to tell us the full truth, become (or remain) subscribers to :

I subscribe to the lot, and I’m kept fully informed of what’s really happening in the political world.

2.    Become an active member of the National Party (or ACT)

Many years ago when I was tired of my lack of success in stirring for a particular objective as a Nat’s activist, I mentioned to an older hand that I was considering resigning in protest. He told me to hang in there and keep trying. I did, and it worked. If enough of us do that and turn up at meetings to insist on National spelling out its principles and practical policies, we can change the government in 2023  (if Labour lasts that long).

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