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At Least It Wasn’t Poo. Then Again Maybe That’s Next

Poor Simon, why bother voting for the Zero Carbon Bill when you are still going to be targeted as a denier?

Simon Bridges’ office was defaced overnight by climate change activists.

The National Party leader posted an image to Twitter on Sunday showing a dark liquid resembling oil coating the doorstep to his Tauranga electorate office. The liquid had been used to draw an Extinction Rebellion logo.

“I respect your right to protest Extinction Rebellion but not when it comes to defacing people’s property as you’ve done to my electorate office overnight,” he wrote.

Extinction Rebellion has gained attention around the world for  its protests, which have included blocking roads, disrupting transport,  spraying paint and vandalism.

The group aims to force governments to transform the current economic  model so that radical action can be taken against climate breakdown,  biodiversity loss and the risk of social and ecological collapse.

In a post to Facebook, Extinction Rebellion showed the group holding a  large banner while member Doug Doig poured the organic molasses.

“It’s time for us Boomers to start getting vocal about what dirty oil is doing to this country,” he said in the post.

“This is a climate and ecological emergency – we need people like  National Party leader Simon Bridges to tell the truth about the state of  things. We need to move out of fossil fuels and into a new, justice-based vision of Aotearoa.”


Justice-based vision? What’s that?

These people smelly hippies are either stupid or are begging to be arrested, as their Facebook post helpfully named the vandal (Doug Doig) and the photo showed him in the act of vandalism as well as the faces of all those who supported him. He should be held accountable for his actions and should be fined an amount that would make him think twice before doing it again.

Simon was fortunate that it wasn’t poo, as that’s what the smelly hippies are smearing on restaurants in the UK.
