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Audio: A Train Wreck of an Interview With Simon Bridges

The BFD.

A leader needs to be able to handle an interview and to speak off the cuff. Simon Bridges comes across as very rehearsed in the lines that he uses and gets in trouble when he gets asked a question that he doesn’t have a rehearsed answer for.

Politicians need to speak in sound bites. The only problem with Simon’s sound bites is that they sound as if he has bitten off more than he can chew. He puts the sound bites in the wrong place.

Instead of closing down the interviewer by answering yes or no to her question about signing up to Ardern’s Facebook ad thing, he wouldn’t answer the question which allowed her to go on and on about it making him look shifty.

The other problem with Simon Bridges’ sounds bites is that he sounds like a bulldog chewing a thistle. His mangling of the English language is as bad as Jacinda Ardern’s inability to enunciate the letter t. What that does is it turns listeners off.

It was a train wreck of an interview with waffling and maybes all the way through. He needs to go.

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