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Cam Slater

Cam Slater doesn’t do quiet and, as a result, he is a polarising, controversial but highly effective journalist who takes no prisoners. Love him or loathe him, you can’t ignore him.

Tell Him He’s Dreamin’

Tell Him He’s Dreamin’

Chris Hipkins is delusional. Most Kiwis see him as the ugly face of the Ardern regime, the guy who presided over multiple debacles in Health, Education, Police and Covid. Claiming his caucus backs him is fanciful.

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Face of the Day

Face of the Day

Born in Australia, Malcolm moved to New Zealand as a child and attended Wellington College where his classmates nicknamed him “Aussie”. The name stuck with him his whole life.

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The Deliberate Anti-Semitism of ChatGPT

The Deliberate Anti-Semitism of ChatGPT

Over the months since Hamas invaded and attacked civilians in Israel, killing more than 1200 people and taking over 200 hostages, I’ve noticed a suppression of details of these attacks and the ongoing conflict in ChatGPT. Today I prove it is deliberate.

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