We’re Having the Debate, Ready or Not
So, here’s what’s going to happen: National and Labour are going to bleed support.
So, here’s what’s going to happen: National and Labour are going to bleed support.
A brutal, yet elegant solution to the contempt of Parliament orchestrated by Te Pāti Māori.
So what’s next? Nothing good I’m afraid, especially now the National Party has joined the opposition.
Simon Wilson is almost always wrong. In fact it is a real contest between Martyn Bradbury and Simon Wilson as to who is more wrong. But, what do you know, he finally got something right.
Shane Jones explores the shenanigans at Parliament last week and shows how in touch with middle New Zealand NZ First is.
Heather du Plessis-Allan explains why both Labour and National are failing to read the room over the Treaty Principles Bill.
He better lift his game, and fast, otherwise he will bleed support to a grateful ACT Party or NZ First.
Police breach the privacy of a third party in an email to the author, revealing details of the location of restricted firearms.