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Illustration by Luis Mendo. The BFD.

China has blinked first in its diplomatic war against Australia.

For over a year, the communist regime has been escalating its attacks on Australia and the Morrison government. “Crazy”, “Insane” are just some of the epithets the “wolf warriors” have hurled our way. Then there are the trade sanctions: enraged at being asked to account for its role in the global pandemic, China tore up dozens of contracts to buy Australian products, from coal and seafood, to wine and barley.

Now, suddenly, China wants to make nice.

China’s new ambassador to Australia, Xiao Qian, has extended an olive branch months out from the federal election and described his ambassadorship as a “noble mission”.

After arriving in Sydney on Australia Day, Mr Xiao said the China-Australia relationship was at a “critical juncture facing many difficulties and challenges as well as enormous opportunities and potentials”.

Mr Xiao, who follows the firebrand Cheng Jingye as China’s 15th ambassador to Australia, said he would work closely with government officials and business leaders to “jointly push the China-Australia relations back to the right track”.

But it doesn’t matter that they’ve changed the face, no-one should be under any delusion that the voice belongs to Xi Xinping. China’s diplomats, even more than any other government, can only mouth whatever Beijing tells them to.

So, we’re still dealing with the same bullies who issued the ultimatum of “14 grievances” at Australia.

Why the change of tone?

Mr Xiao said the world was “undergoing profound changes unseen in a century”.

“The Chinese side always believes that a sound, steady China-Australia relationship serves the fundamental interests of the two countries and the two peoples, and contributes to the prosperity and stability of the Asia-Pacific region,” he said.

Anyone who buys that line of bullshit is an even bigger fool than the useful idiots who’ve spent the past few decades selling out Australian interests to China’s “silent invasion”.

Speaking of useful idiots…

With 2022 marking the 50th anniversary of the establishment of China-Australia diplomatic relations – forged by former Labor prime minister Gough Whitlam – Mr Xiao said the “friendly and mutually beneficial co-operation between China and Australia has enhanced the wellbeing of the two peoples”.

“Fifty years ago, the older generation of Chinese and Australian leaders promoted the establishment of diplomatic relations with the foresight and pioneering spirit of statesmanship,” he said.

It should never be forgotten that Whitlam’s “pioneering” trip to China, and his servile kowtowing to Chinese Communist Party leaders, took place even while the murderous brutality of the Cultural Revolution was still raging.

And no one today should forget that the Chinese Communist Party is still perpetrating genocide and brutal suppression against its own people.

But China can still count on Labor to be its useful idiots.

Mr Xiao’s arrival months out from a federal election comes as Anthony Albanese on Tuesday softened Labor’s approach to repairing relations with Beijing.

The Opposition Leader said if Labor wins the election, he would attempt to balance Australia’s human rights concerns with economic prosperity.

The Australian

In other words, they’ll take the money (in unmarked bills, in Aldi bags?) and turn a blind eye.
