The Tauranga public turned out in large numbers fronting up to the newly democratically elected councillors to voice their disapproval of Dr Ashley Bloomfield’s directive to put fluoride in the residents’ unfluoridated drinking water. The room was overcrowded and the atmosphere electric. Many had to move into the foyer and the ‘health and safety’ irony of the situation wasn’t lost on the crowd. A lot of booing took place.
Bloomfield instructed 14 councils around New Zealand to add fluoride by November 30…or else. It is surprising that the former Director General of Health for the Covid-19 response is again willing to ‘force’ an unsafe medication on the population with no mandate to do so. The ‘or else’, must be raised, as the council members are over a barrel. Surely threats of exorbitant fines and withholding other government funding is a form of blackmail.
The council, if they refuse, will not only have a one-off penalty of $200,000, but an additional $10,000 per day.
However, because the actual directive is unlawful the council would not be obliged to pay the fine.
Three speakers on behalf of the public made excellent presentations.
1. Robert Coe spoke on the occupational safety and health dangers of fluoride. He included dangers to workers handling the toxic hydrofluorosilicic acid, dangers to the public exposed to an overdosed town water supply and dangers of fluoride in the fluid used in dialysis machines. He gave council examples of death caused in various countries when too much fluoride has been added to town water supplies. See here for full speech: Robert Coe speaks at the Tauranga City Council Meeting 26 August 2024 (youtube.com)
2. Dr Alanna Ratna (NZDSOS) spoke powerfully and advised the councillors that fluoride is a neurotoxin equivalent in danger to lead. It has been consistently shown to reduce IQ by up to seven to nine points in children whose mothers drank fluoridated water during pregnancy or in children who were formula-fed with fluoridated water. The level of fluoride in water which causes such harm is the level to which Dr Ashley Bloomfield has directed NZ water to be fluoridated. See here for her speech: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=2thgcQNLY4I
She spoke directly in summary to Mayor Mahé Drysdale, the former rowing Olympian gold medal champion and five times world champion, who we would assume would be very careful with what he puts in his athletic body.
Summary: The government has passed a directive forcing councils to add what is undeniably a toxic substance to our drinking water. It is not ok to use the excuse of just following government orders. It is not ok to just follow orders to poison our children.
Mayor Drysdale, many councils around NZ are hesitant to fluoridate their water supplies but are too scared to say no to the government. You know that the government fines for not fluoridating are not enforceable. You know that fluoride is toxic to the brain. You are an outstanding New Zealander held in high respect throughout this country. Be the mayor who has the courage and the conscience to protect the children of today and of tomorrow. Stand up and say no to fluoride. The other councils will follow. They are just waiting for a leader.
That leader is you.
3. Jodie Brunning, sociologist, for Physicians and Scientists for Global Responsibility, speaks on the context of the Director General misleading officials. No risk assessment has ever been held. The public have been written out of any capacity to critique the Ministry of Health declaration. See here for full speech:
Jodie Bruning from Physicians and Scientists for Social Responsibility spoke at Tauranga City council today. Jodie was one of three excellent speakers. https://t.co/8imTsvmLcG
— FluorideFreeNZ (@Nofluoride) August 26, 2024
Mayor Drysdale responded thoughtfully, and advised the meeting that, personally he did not support water being fluoridated as people should have a choice and there are other options for people to use fluoride if they wanted to. The crowd was ecstatic with this news.
Drysdale, no doubt with his accounting hat on, added, however, the council would be fined around $7m the first year if they did not add this to the water.
He wisely took a break and the councillors put a motion together. The council was in favour of Drysdale’s motion and they will apply for an extension to the deadline.
It is noted that Bloomfield has been on the board of the ESR, New Zealand’s public research organisation dedicated to enhancing the health, wellbeing and safety of our communities.
ESR, “science for Communities”, states “we work with national and international partners to support critical research programmes in areas including WellKiwis, developing influenza vaccines and co-leading Te Niwha, NZs infectious disease research platform. Together, our teams contribute to a NZ public health system underpinned by excellent science, quality data and powerful tools”.
Dr Bloomfield, who says he supports community health, chooses to ignore recent peer reviews and extensive research of the dangers of this neurotoxin. His ignorance is astounding. His arrogance is even more astounding as his fluoride directive explicitly removes the need for government to do any in-depth safety assessment of the addition of fluoridation.
This week he takes up the ESR CEO role.
Bloomfield Appointed Interim CEO at ESR.
ESR (Science for Communities) Board, Chair Sarah Young has announced that Ashley Bloomfield, former Director- General of Health, will assume the role of Interim Chief Executive at ESR starting 2 September.
The interim position is expected to last approximately six months as the organisation searches for a permanent leader. Bloomfield will step down from his current position on the ESR Board during this period.
Reaction on some X groups was less than enthusiastic with users expressing a mixture of deep scepticism and outright hostility towards the man who led New Zealand’s response through the COVID -19 ‘scamdemic’. Reactions include accusations of conflict of interest to calls for legal action for ‘crimes against humanity’.
Daily Telegraph NZ, 26 August 2024.
Dr Bloomfield is a recipient of fresh criticism. On taking up this interim role there was “scepticism and outright hostility towards the man...Reactions include accusations of conflict of interest to calls of legal action for ‘crimes against humanity’.”
He must have the hide of a rhino, but he may not get his way with us this time. The only rational answer is that he wants a dumbed down population, that has no capacity for critical thought, hence blindly following his pied piper guidance into the dystopia of Agenda 2030.
Live stream of council meeting, 26 August 2024: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jP8VPmc_P-E
NZ Herald article 27 August 2024. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/bay-of-plenty-times/news/tauranga-city-council-to-seek-extension-to-fluoridation-deadline/445JKPTYKVBVZKP5KBJK5P73C
National Toxicology Program Review https://fluoridefree.org.nz/national-toxicology-program-review/
National Toxicology Program US Department of Health and Human Services. State of the Science Concerning Fluoride Exposure and Neurodevelopment and Cognition: A Systematic Review. https://fluoridefree.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/National-Toxicology-Program-Fluoride-Report-Final.pdf