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Cabinet Minister Calls Taiwan a Country

Peeni Henare, the Defence Minister, has opened his Twitter gob and inserted both feet with a comment that in all likelihood will cause a diplomatic incident, all so he could score a cheap political point against David Seymour:

Just a few days ago a Hollywood actor, John Cena, had to issue a grovelling apology for calling Taiwan a country. This shows the malignant influence of China in Hollywood.

Whilst I have no problem calling Taiwan a country, it demonstrably is, it is quite another matter for a Defence Minister and member of Cabinet to break from the One China policy that shackles our Government.

Madam Wu is probably shouting down the phone at Nanaia Mahuta about the grave insult to China. Expect a crawling and abject apology from Peeni Henare very soon, for daring to correctly call Taiwan a country.

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