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The BFD.

I have long had a nausea-inducing contempt for weak, useless men; any male who isn’t masculine and doesn’t display traditional male attributes doesn’t cut the mustard with me. Examples of this include those feeble useless sops who let themselves get walked all over by wives and divorce court – then complain! They then attend wimpy ‘men’s groups’ to talk about their PTSD (or is it PMS?), or some other alphabet soup onanist-fest. This sort of obloquy where men disgrace themselves never happened in Sir Keith’s day.

Anyway, the last week has been illuminating for me, as I experienced the sickening and rebarbative ‘entitlement culture’ that exists out there. I met several people who have never held gainful employment yet can rattle off by heart the contents of the welfare department webpage giving them other people’s money. Earwigging into conversations bemoaning the money they’re given – and their sense of outrage that Mr Luxon isn’t going to give them even more – is as shocking as it is outlandish. Remember: these are people who’ve never contributed in any way whatsoever – they’re basically parasites.

Then there was my experience of a public hospital after a friend slipped and damaged their knee. The behaviour of ‘welfare-class’ people left me speechless: their demands for this, that and the other, the demanding of their rights (pfft!), and the pressure applied to overworked nurses and doctors really was something I had hitherto not experienced and it made my blood run cold.

I have long believed that the more productive and worthwhile a person is the less ‘entitled’ and the less obnoxious they are when dealing with taxpayer dollars. For instance, rich people feel almost embarrassed to be ‘bothering’ staff at a socialist hospital; not so the welfare parasites: they expect it as their due and will engage in abuse and violence if necessary. Apart from demonstrating, yet again, how rich people are just better people, it made me wonder if Bill Gates once had an experience such as I had last week and his thoughts turned to, well, ‘genocidal culling’.

It put certain things into context for me. My grandfather had a company that employed a couple of hundred of these sorts of horrible people – trailer trash who hail from a certain religion and deceitful, drunken ethnic group from an island off the UK coast. He viewed them as subhuman, treated them appallingly for decades and never paid more than minimum wage – and he laughed about it. Having met their great-grandchildren, I now fully understand why. These are also the people who elect Labour MPs. Enough said.

But my point is simple – this sense of entitlement and widespread availability of free stuff (everything from welfare payments to healthcare) is not good. It has bred a couple of generations of rotten people at enormous financial and other costs – people we really could do without. The blame, naturally, lies with the Labour party for starting all these ‘entitlements’ in the first place, creating weak, useless people as the heroin got mainlined and the work ethic absent as they speed dial the welfare department toll-free number. Even worse is the acceptance by both the National Party and public at large. This idea these are ‘Kiwi battlers from Struggle Street’ is the biggest joke by the Marxists ever foisted upon a nation. Yet who – except me – will call it out for what it is?
