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Kamala Harris reacts to the news from Afghanistan. The BFD. Illustration by Lushington Brady.

The sludge of justice moves slow through the sewers of Washington. If Hunter Biden were just the crackhead son of an unemployed former auto worker in a trailer park, he’d have been in an orange jumpsuit years ago. But, he’s a scion of Biden Inc., and the Deep State is doing all it can to protect him.

But not even the faceless men of Washington’s hopelessly corrupted “justice” system can run protection forever.

Especially not with an election year kicking off.

Special counsel David Weiss will seek to indict Hunter Biden before the end of this month, the prosecutor said in a court filing updating a judge on his investigation into the president’s son’s failure to pay taxes.

“The Speedy Trial Act requires that the Government obtain the return of an indictment by a grand jury by Friday, September 29, 2023, at the earliest,” Weiss wrote.

Remember: Hunter’s gun was found in 2018, after his then-girlfriend threw it in a rubbish bin near a grocery store. Five years and counting to come to trial is what passes for a “Speedy Trial” in Washington.

But the lengths the Deep State was prepared to go to run protection for a member of Washington’s most powerful crime family was too much even for a judge in Biden’s home state.

Biden was prepared to plead guilty to two counts of willful failure to pay taxes as well as enter a diversion program relating to a failure to acknowledge drug use when purchasing a gun.

But the agreement collapsed as it was reviewed by a judge, with prosecutors and attorneys for Biden left unclear of the extent the president’s son would be immune to prosecution on other matters.

In other words, the judge realised that the plea deal would render Biden immune to any future prosecutions. It was a potential lifetime Get-Out-of-Jail-Free card. Instead, it’s all catching up on him.

Weiss — the U.S. attorney for Delaware who was shortly thereafter appointed as a special counsel in the case — subsequently notified the court he may seek to file charges against Biden in other venues, including Washington, D.C., and California.

Both locations were pointed to by IRS officials who have since spoken with congressional investigators as whistleblowers as locations where the Justice Department was able to gather stronger evidence of tax crimes.

The Hill

The big question, though, is whether congressional Republican investigators can tie Hunter’s multiple malfeasances back to dear old Dad. It’s all just another flying turd in the hurricane-force shit-storm whirling through the Biden White House.

House Republicans have already exposed enough details to confirm the President’s son’s use of the Biden name—“the brand,” as business partner Devon Archer put it—to enrich the family. The press can say there’s no evidence that Joe Biden received a check, but Democrats don’t know what remains to be uncovered.

The Wall Street Journal

In any normal administration, Biden would have been hit with impeachment proceedings months ago. But that’s not to reckon with the single smartest move of his presidency: appointing the odious, ludicrous Kamala Harris as his Vice President.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) attacked Vice President Kamala Harris on Monday and accused her of being President Biden’s “impeachment insurance.”

In an interview on Fox News’s “The Ingraham Angle,” DeSantis attacked Harris’s aptitude for the job of president and suggested she was the reason the House has not yet launched an impeachment inquiry […]

“I think she’s basically been his impeachment insurance because people know, no matter how bad Biden is, nobody wants Harris, and that’s just the reality, and that’s a sad situation America find ourselves in,” DeSantis continued.

The Hill

But as Biden continues to plummet in the opinion polls, some Democrats are beginning to wonder whether Harris was the smart bet she might have once seemed. Biden’s obvious and embarrassing slide into blatant senility raises the question of not if Harris takes over the Oval Office after a putative Biden re-election, but when the Big Guy finally pops his clogs for good.

Some 73% of registered voters in the latest Wall Street Journal poll say Mr. Biden is too old to run for President […] Everyone knows a vote for Mr. Biden in 2024 is probably a vote for President Harris, and Republicans will make the point through Election Day if she stays on the ticket.

The Wall Street Journal

This is just another of what seemed like too-clever-by-half stratagems that are smacking the Dems square in the face.

The other was banking heavily on anti-Trump hatred. To their no-doubt dismay, instead, every time they throw a confected new show trial, Trump’s popularity only notches up.

Like all dabblers in the dark arts, sooner or later the Dems are going to have to pay for their Faustian bargains.
